
389 Directory Server Metrics

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

dirsrv metrics

Project wich collects 389 Directory Server metrics.


$ go build .


$ dirsrvmetrics -host ldap://localhost -user scott -password foo
dirsrv,server=localhost,port=389,host=localhost metrics=44,currentconnections=19i,... 1556894373217369460

Usable as exec plugin for Telegraf

  commands = [".../dirsrvmetrics -host ..."]
  timeout = "5s"
  data_format = "influx"


You can use the command flags to specify all needed information, or:

The software will read a standard ldap.conf/.ldaprc file with an additional allowed BINDPW key to store the password. That way you won't have to specify the password on the commandline.

Transport Level Encryption

The software will attempt to encrypt its communication. This depends on the URL specified. Specifying ldap will attempt STARTTLS. Using ldaps will attempt to set up a TCP connection with TLS.

If using self-signed certificates use the -ca command flag, or in dire situations the -insecure flag to skip host key verification.