
Puppet module to install and configure FreeRADIUS

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
  3. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  4. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  5. Development - Guide for contributing to the module
  6. Release Notes


This module installs and configures FreeRADIUS server on Linux. It supports FreeRADIUS 3.x only. It was designed with CentOS in mind but should work on other distributions. Please note that at this time, current versions of Debian and Ubuntu still package FreeRADIUS 2.2.x which is end-of-life. If you use Debian or Ubuntu, you will need to use version 1.x of this module, which itself is no longer maintained.

jgazeley/freeradius FreeRADIUS
2.x 3.x
1.x 2.x and 3.x
0.x 2.x

Module Description

This module installs FreeRADIUS from a distro-provided package and installs a number of customised config files to enable flexibility. It then provides some helpers to allow you to easily configure virtual servers (sites), modules, clients and other config items. Most of these items accept a flat config file which you supply either as a static file or a template - similar to the source and content parameters in Puppet's file resource.

This module is designed to make it more straightforward for RADIUS administrators to deploy RADIUS servers using Puppet. This module does not serve as a wizard and does not avoid having to have an understanding of FreeRADIUS.


This module provides several classes and defined types which take parameters.



The freeradius class installs the base server. In the early releases, this class does not have many parameters as most values are hard-coded. I am working on parameterising more of the global settings to increase flexibility. Patches are welcome.


Use of the control_socket parameter in the freeradius class is deprecated. Use the freeradius::control_socket class instead.


The maximum number of requests which the server keeps track of. This should be 256 multiplied by the number of clients. Default: 4096


Limit on the total number of servers running. Default: 4096


Install support for MySQL. Note this only installs the package. Use freeradius::sql to configure SQL support. Default: false


Install support for Perl. Default: false


Leave recommended stock modules enabled. Default: true


Install FreeRADIUS utils. Default: false


Install support for LDAP. Default: false


Install wpa_supplicant utility. Default: false


Add the radius user to the winbind privileged group. You must install winbind separately. Default: false.


Add a syslog rule (using the saz/rsyslog module). Default: false.

class { 'freeradius':
  max_requests    => 4096,
  max_servers     => 4096,
  mysql_support   => true,
  perl_support    => true,
  utils_support   => true,
  wpa_supplicant  => true,
  winbind_support => true,
  syslog          => true,


The freeradius::status_server class enabled the status server. To remove the status server, do not include this class and the server will be removed.


The shared secret for the status server. Required.


The port to listen for status requests on. Default: 18121


The address to listen on. Defaults to listen on all addresses but you could set this to $::ipaddress or Default: *

  # Enable status server
  class { 'freeradius::status_server':
    port   => '18120',
    secret => 't0pSecret!',


The freeradius::control_socket class enables the control socket which can be used with RADMIN. To remove the control socket, do not include this class and the socket will be removed.


Whether the control socket should be read-only or read-write. Choose from ro, rw. Default: ro.

  # Enable control socket
  class { 'freeradius::control_socket':
    mode => 'ro',



Install arbitrary attribute filters from a flat file. These are installed in an appropriate module config directory. The contents of the attr_filter module are automatically updated to reference the filters.


Specify a RADIUS attribute to be the key for this attribute filter. Enter only the string part of the name.


Specify the prefix for the attribute filter name before the dot, e.g. filter.post_proxy. This is usually set to filter on FR2 and attr_filter on FR3. Default: filter.

freeradius::attr { 'eduroamlocal':
  key    => 'User-Name',
  prefix => 'attr_filter',
  source => 'puppet:///modules/site_freeradius/eduroamlocal',


Selectively blank certain stock config files that aren't required. This is preferable to deleting them because the package manager will replace certain files next time the package is upgraded, potentially causing unexpected behaviour.

The resource title should be the relative path from the FreeRADIUS config directory to the file(s) you want to blank. You can pass multiple files in an array.

freeradius::blank { 'sites-enabled/default': }

freeradius::blank { [
]: }


Install certificates as provided. These are installed in /etc/raddb/certs. Beware that any certificates not deployed by Puppet will be purged from this directory.

freeradius::cert { 'mycert.pem':
  source => 'puppet:///modules/site_freeradius/mycert.pem',
  type   => 'key',
freeradius::cert { 'mycert.pem':
  content => '<your key/cert content here>',
  type    => 'key',

Set file permissions on the installed certificate differently depending on whether this is a private key or a public certificate. Note that the default is to treat the file as a private key and remove world-readable privileges. Allowable values: cert, key. Default: key.


Define RADIUS clients as seen in clients.conf

# Single host example
freeradius::client { "wlan-controller01":
  ip        => '',
  secret    => 'testing123',
  shortname => 'wlc01',
  nastype   => 'other',
  port      => '1645-1646',
  firewall  => true,
# Range example
freeradius::client { "wlan-controllers":
  ip        => '',
  secret    => 'testing123',
  shortname => 'wlc01',
  nastype   => 'other',
  port      => '1645-1646',
  firewall  => true,

The IP address of the client or range in CIDR format. For IPv6, use ipv6addr. ip and ip6 are mutually exclusive but one must be supplied. Default: undef.


The IPv6 address of the client or range in CIDR format. ip and ip6 are mutually exclusive but one must be supplied. Default: undef.


A short alias that is used in place of the IP address or fully qualified hostname provided in the first line of the section. Required.


The RADIUS shared secret used for communication between the client/NAS and the RADIUS server. Required.


The virtual server that traffic from this client should be sent to. Default: undef.


The nastype attribute is used to tell the checkrad.pl script which NAS-specific method it should use when checking simultaneous use. See man clients.conf for a list of all options. Default: undef.


The UDP port that this virtual server should listen on. Leave blank if this client is not tied to a virtual server. Currently the port number is only used to create firewall exceptions and you only need to specify it if you set firewall => true. Use port range syntax as in puppetlabs-firewall. Default: undef.


Create a firewall exception for this virtual server. If this is set to true, you must also supply port and either ip or ip6. Default: false.


Install arbitrary config snippets from a flat file. These are installed in /etc/raddb/conf.d

freeradius::config { 'realm-checks.conf':
  source => 'puppet:///modules/site_freeradius/realm-checks.conf',
freeradius::config { 'realm-checks.conf':
  content => template('your_template),


Install custom dictionaries without breaking the default FreeRADIUS dictionary. Custom dictionaries are installed in /etc/raddb/dictionary.d and automatically included in the global dictionary.

freeradius::dictionary { 'mydict':
  source => 'puppet:///modules/site_freeradius/dictionary.mydict',


This section defines a "Home Server" which is another RADIUS server that gets sent proxied requests.


The shared secret use to "encrypt" and "sign" packets between FreeRADIUS and the home server.


Home servers can be sent Access-Request packets or Accounting-Request packets. Allowed values are:

  • auth Handles Access-Request packets
  • acct Handles Accounting-Request packets
  • auth+acct Handles Access-Request packets at "port" and Accounting-Request packets at "port + 1"
  • coa Handles CoA-Request and Disconnect-Request packets.

Default: auth


IPv4 address or hostname of the home server. Specify one of ipaddr, ipv6addr or virtual_server


IPv6 address or hostname of the home server. Specify one of ipaddr, ipv6addr or virtual_server


If you specify a virtual_server here, then requests will be proxied internally to that virtual server. These requests CANNOT be proxied again, however. The intent is to have the local server handle packets when all home servers are dead. Specify one of ipaddr, ipv6addr or virtual_server


The port to which packets are sent. Usually 1812 for type "auth", and 1813 for type "acct". Older servers may use 1645 and 1646. Use 3799 for type "coa" Default: 1812


The transport protocol. If unspecified, defaults to "udp", which is the traditional RADIUS transport. It may also be "tcp", in which case TCP will be used to talk to this home server. Default: udp



An array of one or more home servers. The names of the home servers are NOT the hostnames, but the names of the sections. (e.g. home_server foo {...} has name "foo".

Note that ALL home servers listed here have to be of the same type. i.e. they all have to be "auth", or they all have to be "acct", or they all have to be "auth+acct".


The type of this pool controls how home servers are chosen.

  • fail-over the request is sent to the first live home server in the list. i.e. If the first home server is marked "dead", the second one is chosen, etc.
  • load-balance the least busy home server is chosen For non-EAP auth methods, and for acct packets, we recommend using "load-balance". It will ensure the highest availability for your network.
  • client-balance the home server is chosen by hashing the source IP address of the packet. This configuration is most useful to do simple load balancing for EAP sessions
  • client-port-balance the home server is chosen by hashing the source IP address and source port of the packet.
  • keyed-balance the home server is chosen by hashing (FNV) the contents of the Load-Balance-Key attribute from the control items.

The default type is fail-over.


A virtual_server may be specified here. If so, the "pre-proxy" and "post-proxy" sections are called when the request is proxied, and when a response is received.


If ALL home servers are dead, then this "fallback" home server is used. If set, it takes precedence over any realm-based fallback, such as the DEFAULT realm.

For reasons of stability, this home server SHOULD be a virtual server. Otherwise, the fallback may itself be dead!


Instantiate a module that is not automatically instantiated.

freeradius::instantiate { 'mymodule': }


Configure LDAP support for FreeRADIUS


LDAP account for searching the directory. Required.


Password for the identity account. Required.


Unless overridden in another section, the dn from which all searches will start from. Required.


Array of hostnames or IP addresses of the LDAP server(s). Note that this needs to match the name(s) in the LDAP server certificate, if you're using ldaps. Default: [localhost]


Port to connect to the LDAP server on. Default: 389


How many times the connection can be used before being re-established. This is useful for things like load balancers, which may exhibit sticky behaviour without it. 0 is unlimited. Default: 0


Sets the idle time before keepalive probes are sent. Default 60

This option may not be supported by your LDAP library. If this configuration entry appears in the output of radiusd -X then it is supported. Otherwise, it is unsupported and changing it will do nothing.


Sets the maximum number of keepalive probes TCP should send before dropping the connection. Default: 3

This option may not be supported by your LDAP library. If this configuration entry appears in the output of radiusd -X then it is supported. Otherwise, it is unsupported and changing it will do nothing.


Setss the interval in seconds between individual keepalive probes. Default: 3

This option may not be supported by your LDAP library. If this configuration entry appears in the output of radiusd -X then it is supported. Otherwise, it is unsupported and changing it will do nothing.


Number of seconds to wait for LDAP query to finish. Default: 10


Connections to create during module instantiation. If the server cannot create specified number of connections during instantiation it will exit. Set to 0 to allow the server to start without the directory being available. Default: ${thread[pool].start_servers}


Minimum number of connections to keep open. Default: ${thread[pool].min_spare_servers}


Maximum number of connections. Default: ${thread[pool].max_servers}


Spare connections to be left idle. Default: ${thread[pool].max_spare_servers}


Set this to 'yes' to use TLS encrypted connections to the LDAP database by using the StartTLS extended operation. The StartTLS operation is supposed to be used with normal ldap connections instead of using ldaps (port 636) connections

Default: no


Path to CA cert file for TLS


Path to cert file for TLS


Path to key file for TLS


Certificate Verification requirements. Choose from: 'never' (do not even bother trying) 'allow' (try, but don't fail if the certificate cannot be verified) 'demand' (fail if the certificate does not verify) 'hard' (similar to 'demand' but fails if TLS cannot negotiate)

Default: allow


Install a module from a flat file, or enable a stock module that came with your distribution of FreeRADIUS.

# Enable a stock module
freeradius::module { 'pap':
  preserve => true,
# Install a custom module from a flat file
freeradius::module { 'buffered-sql':
  source => 'puppet:///modules/site_freeradius/buffered-sql',
# Install a custom module from a template
freeradius::module { 'buffered-sql':
  content => template('some_template.erb)',


Install a policy from a flat file.

freeradius::policy { 'my-policies':
  source => 'puppet:///modules/site_freeradius/my-policies',


Define a realm in proxy.conf. Realms point to pools of home servers.


Set this to "proxy" requests internally to a virtual server. The pre-proxy and post-proxy sections are run just as with any other kind of home server. The virtual server then receives the request, and replies, just as with any other packet. Once proxied internally like this, the request CANNOT be proxied internally or externally.


For authentication, the auth_pool configuration item should point to a home_server_pool that was previously defined. All of the home servers in the auth_pool must be of type auth.


For accounting, the acct_pool configuration item should point to a home_server_pool that was previously defined. All of the home servers in the acct_pool must be of type acct.


If you have a home_server_pool where all of the home servers are of type auth+acct, you can just use the pool configuration item, instead of specifying both auth_pool and acct_pool.


Normally, when an incoming User-Name is matched against the realm, the realm name is "stripped" off, and the "stripped" user name is used to perform matches.If you do not want this to happen, set this to true. Default: false.


Install a helper script, e.g. which might be called upon by a virtual server. These are placed in /etc/raddb/scripts and are not automatically included by the server.

freeradius::script{ 'myperlscript.pl':
  source => 'puppet:///modules/site_freeradius/myperlscript.pl',


Install a virtual server (a.k.a. site) from a flat file. Sites are installed directly into /etc/raddb/sites-enabled. Any files in this directory that are not managed by Puppet will be removed.

freeradius::site { 'inner-tunnel':
  source => 'puppet:///modules/site_freeradius/inner-tunnel',


Configure SQL connections. You can define multiple database connections by invoking this resource multiple times. If you are using MySQL, don't forget to also set mysql_support => true in the base freeradius class.

freeradius::sql { 'mydatabase':
  database  => 'mysql',
  server    => '',
  login     => 'radius',
  password  => 'topsecret',
  radius_db => 'radius',

Default: undef. Required. Specify which FreeRADIUS database driver to use. Choose one of mysql, mssql, oracle, postgresql


Default: localhost. Specify hostname of IP address of the database server.


TCP port to connect to the database. Default: 3306.


Default: radius. Username to connect to the databae.


Default: undef. Required. Password to connect to the database.


Default: radius. Name of the database. Normally you should leave this alone. If you are using Oracle then use this instead: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=localhost)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=your_sid))).


Default: same as max_servers. Number of sql connections to make to the database server. Setting this to LESS than the number of threads means that some threads may starve, and you will see errors like "No connections available and at max connection limit". Setting this to MORE than the number of threads means that there are more connections than necessary. Leave blank to set it to the same value as the number of threads.


Default: 0. Lifetime of an SQL socket. If you are having network issues such as TCP sessions expiring, you may need to set the socket lifetime. If set to non-zero, any open connections will be closed $lifetime seconds after they were first opened.


Default: 0. Maximum number of queries used by an SQL socket. If you are having issues with SQL sockets lasting "too long", you can limit the number of queries performed over one socket. After $max_qeuries, the socket will be closed. Use 0 for "no limit".


query_file has been deprecated - use custom_query_file instead

Default: sql/${database}/dialup.conf. Relative path to the file which contains your SQL queries. By default, points to the dialup.conf specific to your database engine, so leave this blank if you are using stock queries.

If you need to use custom queries, it is recommended that you deploy your query file using freeradius::script to install the file into /etc/raddb/scripts/custom_dialup.conf and then set query_file to scripts/custom_dialup.conf.


Default: null. Puppet fileserver path to a file which contains your SQL queries, i.e. dialup.conf. This option is intended to be a replacment for query_file, which requires separate deployment of the file. This option allows you to specify a Puppet-managed custom dialup.conf which is installed and loaded automatically. query_file must be left blank if you use custom_query_file.


If you want both stop and start records logged to the same SQL table, leave this as is. If you want them in different tables, put the start table in $acct_table1 and stop table in $acct_table2. Default : radacct


If you want both stop and start records logged to the same SQL table, leave this as is. If you want them in different tables, put the start table in $acct_table1 and stop table in $acct_table2. Default : radacct


Table for storing data after authentication


Default: radcheck


Default: radreply


Default: radgroupcheck


Default: radgroupreply


Table to keep group info. Default: radusergroup


If set to yes (default) we read the group tables. If set to no the user MUST have Fall-Through = Yes in the radreply table. Default: yes.


Remove stale session if checkrad does not see a double login. Default: yes.


Print all SQL statements when in debug mode (-x). Default: no.


Location for SQL statements to be stored if $sqltrace = yes. Default: ${logdir}/sqllog.sql


Number of seconds to dely retrying on a failed database connection (per socket). Default: 60.


Table to keep radius client info. Default: nas.


Set to yes to read radius clients from the database ($nas_table) Clients will ONLY be read on server startup. For performance and security reasons, finding clients via SQL queries CANNOT be done "live" while the server is running. Default: no.


Define RADIUS clients, specifically to connect to the status server for monitoring. Very similar usage to freeradius::client but with fewer options.


Default: undef. The IP address of the client in CIDR format. For IPv6, use ipv6addr. ip and ip6 are mutually exclusive but one must be supplied.


Default: undef. The IPv6 address of the client in CIDR format. ip and ip6 are mutually exclusive but one must be supplied.


required. The RADIUS shared secret used for communication between the client/NAS and the RADIUS server.


Default: undef. The UDP port that this virtual server should listen on. Leave blank if this client is not tied to a virtual server.


required. A short alias that is used in place of the IP address or fully qualified hostname provided in the first line of the section.


Define template items that can be referred to in other config items


Provide source to a file with the template item. Specify only one of source or content.


Provide content of template item. Specify only one of source or content.


This module is targeted at FreeRADIUS 3.x running on CentOS 7. It will not work on FreeRADIUS 2.x. It has not been thoroughly tested on other distributions, but might work. Likely sticking points with other distros are the names of packages, services and file paths.

This module was written for use with Puppet 3.6 and 3.7, but should be quite agnostic to new versions of Puppet.


This module was written primarily for internal use - features we haven't needed to use probably haven't been written. Please send pull requests with new features and bug fixes. You are also welcome to file issues but I make no guarantees of development effort if the features aren't useful to my employer.

Release Notes


  • Write out ldap config with different syntax for FreeRADIUS 3.0.x and 3.1.x when using multiple servers


  • Fix bug with the facts not reporting version numbers accurately


  • Various changes to preserve stock modules in a FreeRADIUS installation and be able to toggle them


  • Fix up LDAP template to allow better compatibility with FreeRADIUS 3.1.x


  • Drop support for FreeRADIUS 2.x, enabling us to keep the codebase tidier


  • Add support for defining config templates


  • Fix a bug that now enables sqltrace (sqllog) to work on FR3



  • Start with just 1 SQL socket by default to avoid overloading the SQL server


  • Make facts fail gracefully if radiusd is not installed


  • Fix a bug that stops statusclients from working


  • Fix a bug that prevent 1.2.0 from working on FreeRADIUS 2


  • Deprecate netmask parameter from freeradius::client


  • Add support to supply an array of multiple LDAP servers


  • Make an educated guess about the version of FR when the fact is unavailable (e.g. on the first Puppet run)


  • Iron out a couple of issues with LDAP compatibility with Active Directory


  • Fixed a bug that prevented LDAP from working on any port except 389


  • Fixed a bug that caused an error when no proxy config items were defined


  • Support for FreeRADIUS 3
  • Native support for managing the LDAP module
  • Native support for configuring realms (via realms, home_server and home_server_pool)
  • Improved handling of attribute filtering
  • Improved handling of SQL support

This release retains support for FreeRADIUS 2 but some of the parameters have changed so you will probably need to make changes to the way you use this module. Upgrade on a dev system first!


  • Tweak wildcard matching on logrotate config


  • Fix bug displaying deprecation notice and update documentation to reflect this



  • Provide new SQL option custom_query_file


  • Cease management of custom logging modules logtofile and logtosyslog since it does not make sense to manage these globally
  • Purge instantiation of unused modules


  • Move control_socket into its own class and add parameters
  • Improve the way the status_server is added or removed
  • Delete all unmanaged sites from sites-available


  • Purge all non-managed sites


  • Minor linting of code to improve score
  • Minor linting of metadata to improve score


  • Bugfixes and feature improvements in freeradius::sql


  • Add ability to customise SQL socket lifetimes
  • Purge all non-managed clients
  • Add defined type to blank out unneeded config files without deleting them


  • Correctly pass template content to control-socket


  • The default behaviour is now to purge anything in ${confdir}/certs that is not managed by Puppet


  • Various improvements to support Debian family
  • Optional content parameters in various resources


  • Fix a bug which prevents the module from working properly on Debian/Ubuntu (thanks @diranged)


  • Add ensure parameter to all defined types


  • Add support for customising sql.conf natively by adding freeradius::sql


  • Fix ambiguity about net/netmask in freeradius::client


  • Add support for managing firewall rules automatically
  • Add support for installation certificates & keys
  • Make syslog support an optional component
  • Various bugfixes


  • Improved modular installs with optional components
  • Improved support for Debian
  • Clarify dependencies on other modules
  • Lots of bugfixes


  • Initial release with support for installing FreeRADIUS and configuring servers, modules, clients and other objects using flat files.
  • Probably works only with FreeRADIUS 2.x
  • Only tested with CentOS 6