Time and experience differentially affect distinct aspects of hippocampal representational drift

This repository includes the data and scripts required for producing the main figures presented in Geva, Deitch et al., 2023.

Usage and documentation

Scripts are provided in the scripts directory. Data sets are provided in the data directory.

To perform the analysis on the provided data sets, use the time_vs_experience_analysis.m script located in the scripts directory. Before running the script, change the path in the repository_path variable to the path containing the corresponding repository on your computer.


Was tested on Windows 10 using Matlab 2016b, 2017b and 2021a.
Running the scripts on newer versions of Matlab may require downloading additional packages.


This the first version of the repository that includes analyses and the required data to replicate the results presented in Geva, Deitch et al., 2023. Please make sure to use the latest version of this repository.

Repository DOI: DOI