
A quickstart project for Drupal 8 migrations.

Drupal 8 Migrate

A quickstart project for Drupal 8 migrations.


Getting Started

  • Backup the Drupal 7 source site and setup a copy locally.
  • Setup the Drupal 8 target site locally also.
    • Note: Do not add any content or otherwise to the D8 site or it will be lost in the migration process.

Install Drupal 8 with Composer

Run the following command to install a Drupal 8 site with dependencies managed by Composer.

composer create-project drupal-composer/drupal-project:8.x-dev some-dir --no-interaction

Note: This composer create-project process will take several minutes to complete.

Enable Drupal 8 Migration Modules

The following modules need to be enabled in order to perform a migration.

  • Mirate
  • Migrate Drupal
  • Migrate Drupal UI

Run Upgrade Migration Checks

  • Visit http://source7.local/upgrade and enter the Drupal 7 Source site's database connection settings.
  • Run the upgrade migration check if the connection to the DB was successful.
    • Check DB connection settings in settings.php on the Drupal 7 site if connection fails.
    • See Known Issues below for DB issues inside container tools like DDEV.

Known Issues

  • Database connection issues in DDEV.
    • A VM seems to work much better for DB connection compatibility.