Awesome Self-Driving-Vehicle-Research

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  • Udacity Self-Driving-Car Engineer Nanodegree
    • Self-driving cars are set to revolutionize the way we live. This is transformational technology, on the cutting-edge of robotics, machine learning, software engineering, and mechanical engineering. In this program, you’ll learn the skills and techniques used by self-driving car teams at the most advanced technology companies in the world.
  • Udacity Flying Car and Autonomous Flight Engineer Nanodegree
    • Master autonomous flight software engineering skills as you build your career in flying cars and drone robotics.





  • nuScene
  • Cityscapes
    • A large dataset that records urban street scenes in 50 different cities,with high quality pixel-level annotations of 5,000 frames, in addition to a larger set of 20,000 weakly annotated frames.
  • Berkeley DeepDrive BDD100k
    • The largest dataset for self-driving AI and contains over 100,000 videos of over 1,100-hour driving events across different times of the day, and varying weather conditions.
  • Baidu Apolloscapes
    • This large dataset defines 26 distinct semantic items such as cars, bicycles, pedestrians, street lights, etc
      • Scene sparsing
      • Car instance
      • Lane segmentation
      • Self localisation
    • This dataset contains more than seven hours of highway driving for you to use in your projects.Details included within the dataset are:
      • The speed of the car
      • The acceleration
      • The steering angle
      • GPS coordinates
  • Oxford’s Robotic Car
    • This dataset contains over 100 repetitions of the same route through Oxford, UK, captured over one year with different combinations of weather, traffic and pedestrians, along with long-term changes such as construction and roadworks.
  • KUL Belgium Traffic Sign Dataset
    • This dataset contains 10,000+ annotations of traffic signs from thousands of physically distinct traffic signs in Belgium, particularly in the Flanders region.
  • LISA: Laboratory for Intelligent & Safe Automobiles, UC San Diego Datasets
  • CityFlow
