
Use machine learning technique to classify cancers using high dimensional RNA microarray dataset

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Classifying Tumor from RNA Microarray using Machine Learning

Setup the environment

Install pipenv and run pipenv install in pipenv shell

pipenv install

Getting Started

To download the data set

bash download_dataset.sh

To perform data exploration and generate a 2D visualization, run in command line

python data_exploration.py

To train machine learning models and parameter tuning, run in command line

python model_training.py

To perform model evaluation, run in command line

python model_evaluation.py

To perform the entire workflow, run in command line


Helpful links

Think about the problem

  • What is the problem that you are trying to solve?
  • Is the problem well defined?
  • How can you evaluate the outcome of the project?
  • Is machine learning the best solution?
    • Acess to a sizable set of data
    • Each additional feature requires addtional samples to train model properly
    • There is no better alternatives

Measure model success

Knowing when to stop refining the model, and put it into production.

Stages of Machine Learning Workflow

Data Import

  • import csv files, load features and outcomes into dataframes
  • split features and outcomes into train and test dataset

Data Exploration and Feature Engineering

  • get the dimension of the data
  • if data is high dimensional, use dimension reduction to visualize
  • identify features in your data, which is subset of data attributes in your raw data that you use in your model
  • clean the data by finding errors or anomalities

Data preprossing

  • Normalizing numeric data into common scale
  • Applying formatting rules to data
  • Reducing data redundancy through simplification, eg. converting a text feature into bag of words representation
  • Representing text numerically, as when assigning values to each possible value in a categorical feature
  • Assigning key values to data instances

Training Set Creation

  • split the data into training and testing set

Machine Learning Algorithm

  • Cross validation
  • Parameter tuning using random search or grid search
  • Select and test the models

Feature Selection

  • Goal: find the most important ten genes associated with each cancer type
  • Methods
    1. use SVM to select out the most important feature iteratively, to generate sparsity
    2. use RF to find the most important feature
  • visualization
    • create a model performance visualization as a function of increasing sparsity