
Primary LanguageRuby


Assuming you have following data structure ERD Diagram

You run these mockup to build the seed data

  puts 'create houses'
  1.times.each do
    house = House.create!(is_master: true,
      status: :listed,
      name: Faker::GameOfThrones.character,
      address: Faker::Address.full_address,
    #each hotel will have 3 room types
    3.times.each do
      room = house.rooms.create!(is_master: true,
        name: Faker::GameOfThrones.character
      #each room type will have 10 rooms
      10.times.each do
        room.room_units.create!(room_no: Faker::Number.number(4), house: house)
      puts "create bookings"
      20.times.each do
        future_dtstart = Date.current.tomorrow + rand(10)
        future_dtend = future_dtstart + (1 + rand(10))
        past_dtend = Date.current.yesterday - rand(10)
        past_dtstart = past_dtend - (1 + rand(10))
        [[future_dtstart, future_dtend], [past_dtstart, past_dtend]].each do |dtstart, dtend|
          guest = User.create(
            name: Faker::Name.name,
            email: Faker::Internet.email,
            phone: Faker::PhoneNumber.cell_phone
          booking = Booking.create(
            house: house,
            room: room,
            summary: Faker::GameOfThrones.character,
            description: Faker::Lorem.paragraph,
            status: :confirmed,
            user: guest,
            dtstart: dtstart,
            dtend: dtend

I need a function to generate each room's each date's availability

  room = house.rooms.first
  room.availability_between_dates(Date.today, Date.today + 10.days)

I need it to return following

   "total_rooms": 10,
   "start_date": "2019-10-18",
   "end_date": "2020-10-27",
   "payload": [
       "date":  "2019-10-18",
       "allotment": 1
       "date":  "2019-10-19",
       "allotment": 2
       "date":  "2019-10-20",
       "allotment": 3

You need to probably loop over all the existing Booking to determine whether each date has how many room unit left.

  • Assuming if you have following bookings
house = House.first
room = house.rooms.first
booking1 = Booking.new(
  dtstart: "2019-10-11",
  dtend: "2019-10-12"
  house: house,
  room: room
booking2 = Booking.new(
  dtstart: "2019-10-13",
  dtend: "2019-10-14"
  house: house,
  room: room
booking2 = Booking.new(
  dtstart: "2019-10-16",
  dtend: "2019-10-20"
  house: house,
  room: room

room.availability_between_dates("2019-10-11", "2019-10-20")
  • return following
  "total_rooms": 10,
  "start_date": "2019-10-11",
  "end_date": "2020-10-20",
  "payload": [
      "date":  "2019-10-11",
      "allotment": 9
      "date":  "2019-10-12",
      "allotment": 10
      "date":  "2019-10-13",
      "allotment": 9
      "date":  "2019-10-14",
      "allotment": 10
      "date":  "2019-10-15",
      "allotment": 10
      "date":  "2019-10-16",
      "allotment": 9
      "date":  "2019-10-17",
      "allotment": 9
      "date":  "2019-10-18",
      "allotment": 9
      "date":  "2019-10-19",
      "allotment": 9
      "date":  "2019-10-20",
      "allotment": 10

Step 2. Connected Room

  1. Add this change to room_unit.rb
  belongs_to :part_of_room, class_name: 'RoomUnit'
  has_many :consist_of_rooms, class_name: 'RoomUnit', foreign_key: :part_of_room_id

and DB Migration

class AddComposedOfToRoomUnits < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
  def change
    add_column :room_units, :part_of_room_id, :integer
  1. Concept of connected room Room A and B are next each other and can be connected. Some Hotel have A, B and C (A + B). So
  • Either A or B got booked, C needs to be blocked.
  • If C got booked, A and B needs to be blocked.
  1. Sample Code
family_room = Room.new(name:"Family Room Style")
connected_unit = RoomUnit.create(room_no:"A+B", room: family_room)

unit1 = RoomUnit.first
unit2 = RoomUnit.second

unit1.part_of_room = connected_unit
unit2.part_of_room = connected_unit

  1. If there is a booking for RoomUnit1 and assuming connected_unit.room.room_units.size == 10
house = House.first
booking1 = Booking.new(
  dtstart: "2019-10-11",
  dtend: "2019-10-12"
  house: house,
  room: unit1.room,
  room_unit: unit1

family_room.availability_between_dates("2019-10-11", "2019-10-12")
  • return following
  "total_rooms": 10,
  "start_date": "2019-10-11",
  "end_date": "2020-10-12",
  "payload": [
      "date":  "2019-10-11",
      "allotment": 9
      "date":  "2019-10-12",
      "allotment": 10
  1. If there is a booking for connected_unit and assuming unit1 and unit2 belongs to the different room and room.room_units.size == 1 for both unit1 and unit2's room
house = House.first
booking1 = Booking.new(
  dtstart: "2019-10-11",
  dtend: "2019-10-12"
  house: house,
  room: connected_unit.room,
  room_unit: connected_unit

unit1.room.availability_between_dates("2019-10-11", "2019-10-12")
  • return following
  "total_rooms": 1,
  "start_date": "2019-10-11",
  "end_date": "2020-10-12",
  "payload": [
      "date":  "2019-10-11",
      "allotment": 0
      "date":  "2019-10-12",
      "allotment": 1

** for unit2 **

unit2.room.availability_between_dates("2019-10-11", "2019-10-12")
  • return following
  "total_rooms": 1,
  "start_date": "2019-10-11",
  "end_date": "2020-10-12",
  "payload": [
      "date":  "2019-10-11",
      "allotment": 0
      "date":  "2019-10-12",
      "allotment": 1