
inspecting the contents of Symbian SIS installation packages

Primary LanguagePython

SISInfo is a tool for inspecting the contents of Symbian SIS
installation packages. Supported SIS file format is the one introduced
in Symbian 9.1 and S60 3rd edition. File format specification can be
found here


To use the sisinfo.py python script you must have python installed.
Python can be download from here. Version 2.4.3 was used during the
development, but any later version should work as well.

Unzip the installation package to anywhere in your hard drive.

The sisinfo.py script should be run from the command prompt.

If you have associated the .py extension with the python interpreter,
you should be able to run the script by simply typing sisinfo.py in
the directory that you unzipped the script to.

If simply typing the name of the script does not work for you, then
you have to run the python interpreter explicitly by typing python
sisinfo.py, or c:\python24\python sisinfo.py if your python
installation directory is not in the PATH environment variable (change
the c:\python24 to reflect your own python installation directory).

sisinfo.py [options]		
-f FILENAME, --file=FILENAME 	Name of the SIS file to inspect
-i, --info 	Print information about SIS contents
-s, --structure 	Print SIS file structure
-e PATH, --extract=PATH 	Extract the files from the SIS file to PATH
-c, --certificate 	Print certificate information

At least -f switch has to be given on command line to define the SIS
file to inspect and one or more of the other options to specify the
actions to perform.

To print the certificate information, PyASN1 has to be installed.
PyASN1 homepage

Original homepage: http://web.archive.org/web/20100213104423/http://www.niksula.cs.hut.fi/~jpsukane/sisinfo.html