
Advanced Programming Techniques Project - third year CUFE students.

A search engine - named Psyche, after the Greek goddess of the soul Psyche, Cupid's wife, whose life was spent on a search for love and growth, in effect, a search for oneself.


  • Open project in IntelliJ IDEA
  • Configure and build the project with Gradle
  • Run the component needed via its class name
gradle run -Dexec.mainClass=com.cmpn306.package.class
Component Class
Database com.cmpn306.database.Database
Crawler com.cmpn306.crawler.Crawler
Indexer com.cmpn306.indexer.Indexer
Ranker com.cmpn306.ranker.Ranker
API com.cmpn306.queryprocessor.API
  • Run the web interface by running npm i then npm run dev from the CMPN306-SearchEngine\src\main\javascript directory

Team Members:

  • Ahmed Ayman Saad
  • Khaled Ashraf Zohair
  • Kareem Hossam Eldin
  • Ziyad Sameh Sobhy