SpringBoot Application ready to be deployed on Heroku hosting

  • based on the project
  • as a basis of our application we gonna take minimal spring-data application with one endpoint and database step21 from spring-steps repository.

Whole process overview

  • creating personal account on heroku.com
  • creating personal SSH-keys and uploading them to heroku.com
  • downloading and installing their command line tool Heroku CLI
  • creating heroku application
  • making some changes in our project (extra files, configuration, etc)
  • adding one more git upstream
  • pushing source code to heroku upstream added in previous step
  • starting enjoying working app in the browser. :)

Some useful details:

  • to start our web server on remote machine, we must take into account that we should start our web server on another port number, which will be provided us via OS environment variable PORT. If variable isn't provided - we must start on port 5000, see application.properties according to server.port section
  • to log in to heroku, type in the terminal heroku login
  • to create an app, type heroku create. As a result you will be given two links, something like that:
  • to check whether the new upstream is added, type: git remote -v. The output must look like:
    heroku  https://git.heroku.com/mysterious-refuge-92638.git (fetch)
    heroku  https://git.heroku.com/mysterious-refuge-92638.git (push)
    origin  https://github.com/alexr007/java-springboot-heroku.git (fetch)
    origin  https://github.com/alexr007/java-springboot-heroku.git (push)
  • add/check properties section into pom.xml
  • add/check dependencies section into pom.xml
  • add/check build section into pom.xml
  • build your app: mvn install. As a result in the folder target you must see file like java-springboot-heroku-template-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar. It is named according pom.xml sections <artifactId> and <version>
  • add Procfile file to the root of the project with the contents of web: java -jar target/java-springboot-heroku-template-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar. File must contain exactly one line.
  • run your app locally heroku local:start
  • go to browser and check: http://localhost:5000/person. Everything should work
  • commit everything git commit -m "--final stage"
  • push to github/gitlab: git push origin master
  • push to heroku: git push heroku master
  • test link provided by heroku previously on app creation step: https://mysterious-refuge-92638.herokuapp.com with browser and Postman
  • don't forget about your mappings: /person, etc, add them if need https://mysterious-refuge-92638.herokuapp.com/person
  • relax
  • enjoy


  • Heroku hosting company: here
  • Heroku official documentation in general: here
  • Heroku official documentation about JDBC connection: here
  • Heroku official github code: here
  • Baeldung link how to create runnable jar file: here
  • alexr github account: here
  • alexr's onother heroku-project: here