
How to use WandB in your project.

Primary LanguagePython

How to use Wandb (Wandb_util)

This repository contains a simple script for showing how to use WandB to log metrics during training and visualize the results in the WandB dashboard.


  • python >= 3.6
  • wandb

You can install the required Python packages using pip:

pip install torch wandb

Quick test

  1. Clone this repository and setup your WandB API key in example_config.py:
  2. Run the example script:
    python main.py

How to use in your project

  1. Copy wandb_util.py to your project directory.
  2. Add Wandb related parsers to your config file.
  3. Add the following lines to your training script:
    import wandb
    from wandb_utils import init_wandb, finish_wandb
    # Initialize WandB before your training loop
    # Log metrics during training
    wnadb.log({'loss': loss.item()})
    # Finish WandB after your training loop

Script Overview

The main.py script performs the following steps:

  1. Parses command-line arguments using example_config.get_config(). This function defines the command-line arguments for the script, including the WandB project name, entity, and API key, and returns a Namespaceobject with the parsed arguments.
  2. Initializes WandB using wandb_utils.init_wandb(). This function takes a Namespace object as input and initializes WandB with the specified project, entity, and API key. It also logs the project settings to the console for debugging purposes.
  3. Defines the linear regression model, optimizer, and loss function using PyTorch.
  4. Trains the model for 10 epochs using a simple training loop. In each epoch, the script generates random data, performs a forward pass through the model, computes the mean squared error loss, and updates the model parameters using backpropagation.
  5. Logs the epoch and loss to WandB using wandb.log(). This function takes a dictionary of key-value pairs as input and logs the values to the specified project in WandB.
  6. Finishes WandB using wandb_utils.finish_wandb().