
A metro theme for hexo

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


Metro-light is inspired by Win 8, Metro-Light a flat, minimal and responsive theme for Hexo, it is developed based on light


##Installation ###Install

git clone https://github.com/halfer53/metro-light.git themes/metro-light

Metro-light requires Hexo 2.4.5 and above. ###Enable Modify theme setting in blog folder _config.yml to metro-light. ###Update

cd themes/metro-light
git pull

please backup your _config.yml file before update. ##Configuration

  Home: /
  Archives: /archives

- search
- recent_posts
- category
- tag

excerpt_link: Continue Reading

  duoshuo: false
## to enable disqus, you need to fill in the disqus_shortname in config.yml
## to enable duoshuo, you need duoshuo id and set duosuo to true

#share plugins at the bottom of the article
  enable: true
  jiathis: false ##a chinese sharing plugins for chinese users
  twitter: true
  google: true

  google_plus: ##e.g. 104684175089936429154 for https://plus.google.com/u/0/104684175089936429154/posts
  github: ##e.g. ffff for https://github.com/ffff
  twitter: ##e.g. ffff for https://twitter.com/ffff
  weibo: ##e.g. 333333333 for http://www.weibo.com/333333333
  facebook: ##e.g. ffff for https://www.facebook.com/ffff
  renren: ##e.g. 333333333 for http://www.renren.com/333333333

#your personal page, could be your github account page, twitter or google plus personal page
## By default its your homepage

fancybox: false

#you can change the custom font in head.ejs
CustomFont: true

#google analytics id, e.g.UA-28532742-2

##url of your rss
##it is highly recommanded to use rss plugins, https://github.com/hexojs/hexo-generator-feed
rss: ##e.g. https://ffff.github.io/rss2.xml

#for Chinese users
ChineseUser: false
##默认false. 如果你的访客大部分来自**, 那么请设置为true, cdn将会调换为360和百度公共库, 同时lang和content-language也会被修改