Exploring CNN and ViT for Weakly-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Exploring CNN and ViT for Weakly-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation


  • Pytorch
  • Some basic python packages such as Numpy, Scikit-image, SimpleITK, Scipy ......


We use the ACDC dataset which you can find here Official. The pre-processed dataset i.e. scribble can be download via Google Drive or Baidu Netdisk with code 'u8bh' and put in 'data' folder. You can also simulate the scribble annotations with other dataset with the 'code/scribbles_generator.py' file.


  1. Clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/ziyangwang007/CV-WSL-MIS.git 
  1. Train the model
cd code

You can choose model, dataset, experiment name, iteration number, batch size and etc in your command line, or leave it with default option.

Uncertainty Aware Mean Teacher, Rotation -> [Paper Link]

python train_weakly_supervised_ustm_2D.py 

Uncertainty Aware Mean Teacher, Rotation, Vision Transformer -> [Paper Link]

python train_weakly_supervised_UAMT_ViT_2D.py 

Mean Teacher, Cross Pseudo Supervision, CNN, Vision Transformer -> [Paper Link]

python train_weakly_supervised_DCDPL_2D.py 

Gated CRF Loss -> [Link]

python train_weakly_supervised_pCE_GatedCRFLoss_2D.py 
  1. Test the model

Test CNN-based model

python test_2D_fully.py -root_path ../data/XXX --exp ACDC/XXX

Test ViT-based model

python test_2D_fully_ViT.py -root_path ../data/XXX --exp ACDC/XXX


Please consider citing the following works, if you use in your research/projects:

  title={Weakly Supervised Medical Image Segmentation Through Dense Combinations of Dense Pseudo-Labels},
  author={Wang, Ziyang and Voiculescu, Irina},
  booktitle={MICCAI Workshop on Data Engineering in Medical Imaging},


This code is mainly borrowed WSL4MIS, UNet, SwinUNet, USTM, and etc.