FOS Face User Study Page

🚀 Playground | 📃 ArXiv | 🏰 HomePage

This is the source code of the user study page used in Towards Real-world Video Face Restoration: A New Benchmark which supports relatively large-scale user studies.

Compiled and hosted webpage is in the 🚀 Playground. Use the user id test to login.


  • Server-end data loading
  • User login verification
  • Automatic cookie caching (for login states and rating records)

What's new

  • 2024/05/02 - this repo is released.

🚀 Getting Started

npm install
npm start

For error like code: 'ERR_OSSL_EVP_UNSUPPORTED', try fix with

export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider
npm start

Deploy custom web pages

  • Data. Prepare your own data in a public avaiavle server and .json file like the image template/video template. Remember to modify variables including server_src(and the json and json_test paths) in Constant.tsx.
  • Replace your webpage url with homepage in package.json. Run deploy command:
npm run deploy

Tech Stack

This page is currently a front-end only SPA(single page application) developed on