Naive Database

A simple database in C++ based on

I followed the tutorial from part 1 to part 5 and use C++ to re-implement it and incorporate a open-sourced third-party library abseil for better string manipulations.

The program can store user input data into memory and list them. When program exited under proper instruction, it will persist the data into disk via file I/O. If you use the same file to re-start the program, you will find that the previous input data are already loaded into memory to read.

All your input should have three attributes, first one should be a non-negative integer. Second one is a string can contains 32 characters , you can use it as username field. The last one is also a string which can contains 255 characters, you can put your email address in this field.

Supported SQL Syntax

Insert statement should be start with insert keyword followed by three attributes: id, username, email. For example,

db > insert 1 ziyi

List your input is very easy. Just type select and you will get all you data

db > select
(1, ziyi,

For gracefully shutdown, type .exit.

Building & Running

  • cmake
  • compiler support c++17

Under the project root directory, run

$ # clone with the submodule
$ git clone --recursive
$ cd naive-db
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ # run the naive-db with a local filename as its first parameter
$ ./naive-db mydb.db
db > insert 1 ziyi
db > insert 2 foo
db > select
(1, ziyi,
(2, foo,
db > .exit
$ # program will exit gracefully here
$ # run the command again to check the persistent data in mydb.db file
$ ./naive-db mydb.db
db > select
(1, ziyi,
(2, foo,


First, you need to install ruby.

Under the project root directory, run

$ gem install bundle
$ bundle install
$ # run the tests in spec/ directory
$ bundle exec rspec

Implemented Rubric Points

  • Loops, Functions, I/O
    • Implemented a read-eval-print loop (REPL) for simple SQL (src/
    • Save user's input to memory and persist it to disk via file I/O (src/Pager.cpp#L11)
  • Object Oriented Programming
    • Use Statement, Executor, Table, Row, Pager objects to construct the program in a modular way (src/*.cpp files naming after these class names)
    • Utilize initialization list to initialize pager_ member in Table object (src/Table.cpp#L11)
  • Memory Management
    • Table destructor handle gracefully persistence operation on Pager (src/Table.cpp#L16)
    • Pager cleanup all the allocated memory for user input's rows (src/Pager.cpp#L64)