
Save the articles of a PLOS journal in .txt files

Primary LanguagePython


Save the articles of a PLOS journal in .txt files


$ grab_plos.py --help
usage: grab_plos.py [-h] --journal-url URL --save-to FOLDER [--threads N]
                    [--log LOG]

Save the articles of a PLOS journal in .txt files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --journal-url URL  the archive page of the journal; 
                     example: http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/browse/volume
  --save-to FOLDER   the destination folder
  --threads N        the number of threads for downloading (default: 10)
  --log LOG          the log file (default: a log file with the name generated from the current time)