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A stochastic optimization based stochastic optimal control framework for artifical pancreas (NYU Courant SURE 2019)

This repository features my joint research project with Xinyu Li on a stochastic optimization based stochastic optimal control framework for artifical pancreas in my junior year at NYU Courant Institute (advised by Prof. Jonathan Goodman, through NYU Courant Summer Undergraduate Research Experience program). In this project, we formulated a model of the insulin-glucose metabolism to characterize the dynamics of insulin and glucose levels, as well as the impact of meal intake and insulin injection on them, in a hypothetical type 1 diabetes patient. To prepare the system for real-world applications, we denoised the measurements using Kalman filter, and determined the optimal insulin injection amount for the patient by modern stochastic optimization algorithms from deep learning.


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  • The minimal model for the insulin-glucose metabolism:
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    • Nyman, Elin, Gunnar Cedersund, and Peter Strålfors. "Insulin signaling–mathematical modeling comes of age." Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism 23.3 (2012): 107-115.
  • Stochastic optimization:
    • Duchi, John, Elad Hazan, and Yoram Singer. "Adaptive subgradient methods for online learning and stochastic optimization." Journal of machine learning research 12.7 (2011).
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