Zizoo Code Challenge


Create a single web page rendering search results similar to https://www.zizoo.com/en/search/


  • Create simple react component for a search listing card based located in this repo.
  • Request search results from a GraphQL API for all active boats.
  • Render the results using the API response and the react component.
  • Create a basic filtering solution for boat length (< 15 OR >= 15) and boat year (< 2010 OR >= 2010).
  • Bonus (not mandatory): Instead of a static boat photo, implement a photo-slider.

GraphQL details

Test submission process and evaluation

  • Upload a zip file containing the solution’s source code to Greenhouse. Do not include the node_modules folder.
  • Provide a README file containing instructions on how to run your application.
  • The search result page should be accessible using the path http://localhost:[PORT]/search
  • The solution will be evaluated for functionality, UI/UX and coding style In that order.
  • Important Pixel perfect implementation is not a priority.

Estimated solution Time

4-6 hours

UI Design