
Craft 3 CMS Package for Atom

Craft 3 CMS Package for Atom

Add snippets and template tags for the Craft CMS to Twig & HTML files in Atom.

A port from BarrelStrength Craft-Twig.tmbundle for sublime.

Twig Tags (via tab trigger)

}}              {{  }}
%%              {%  %}
##              {#  #}

extends         {% extends 'template' %}
import          {% import 'template' as key %}
from            {% from 'template' import key %}
inc             {% include 'template' %}
incp            {% include 'template' with {
                    key: 'value'
                }} %}

set             {% set var = value %}
setb            {% set var %} ... {% endset %}
block           {% block name %} ... {% endblock %}
filter          {% filter name %} ... {% endfilter %}

if, ifb         {% if condition %} ... {% endif %}
ife             {% if condition %} ... {% else %} ... {% endif %}
ifeif           {% if condition %} ... {% elseif condition %} ... {% endif %}
ifeife          {% if condition %} ... {% elseif condition %} ... {% else %} ... {% endif %}
else            {% else %}
elseif          {% elseif condition %}
for             {% for item in seq %} ... {% endfor %}
fore            {% for item in seq %} ... {% else %} ... {% endfor %}

endif           {% endif %}
endfor          {% endfor %}
endset          {% endset %}
endblock        {% endblock %}
endfilter       {% endfilter %}
endmacro        {% endmacro %}

Twig Tags, Customised for Craft (via tab trigger)

assets             craft.assets loop
categories         craft.categories loop
entries            craft.entries loop
feed               craft.feeds.getFeedItems loop
tags               craft.tags loop
users              craft.users loop

cache              {% cache %} ... {% endcache %}
cacheg             {% cache globally %} ... {% endcache %}
cachek             {% cache with key %} ... {% endcache %}
cachegk            {% cache globally with key %} ... {% endcache %}
cachef             {% cache for condition %} ... {% endcache %}
cacheuntil         {% cache until condition %} ... {% endcache %}
cacheunless        {% cache unless condition %} ... {% endcache %}

csrf               {{ csrfInput() }}
exit               {% exit 404 %}
dd                 {% dd output %}

includecss         {% css %} ... {% endcss %}
registerCssFile    {% do view.registerCssFile(/resources/css/global.css) %}
includejs          {% js %} ... {% endjs %}
registerJsFile     {% do view.registerJsFile(/resources/js/global.js) %}

macro              {% macro name(param) %} ... {% endmacro %}
matrix             Outputs a basic Matrix Field loop
paginatesimple     Simple:   Outputs an example of pagination with craft.entries
paginateadvanced   Advanced: Outputs an example of pagination
redirect           {% redirect 'login' %}

getparam           craft.app.request.getParam()
getpost            craft.app.request.getPost()
getquery           craft.app.request.getQuery()
getsegment         craft.app.request.getSegment()

requirelogin       {% requireLogin %}
requirepermission  {% requirePermission "spendTheNight" %}

switch             {% switch variable %}{% endswitch %}
shuffle            shuffle()
url, urla          url('path'), url('path', params, 'http', false)

ceil               ceil()
floor              floor()
max                max()
min                min()
round              num|round

info               info: site
infoapp            info: craft.app.request
infoassets         info: craft.assets
infocategories     info: craft.categories
infoconfig         info: config
infoentries        info: craft.entries
infofeeds          info: feeds
infofields         info: fields
infoglobals        info: globals
infosections       info: sections
infosessions       info: sessions
infotags           info: tags
infousers          info: users