
A Craft CMS starter project using DDEV for local hosting and Vite for front-end bundling and HMR.

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A Craft CMS starter project using DDEV for local hosting and Vite for front-end bundling and HMR.

Going from zero to Vite HMR on a fresh Craft install, with only 4 CLI commands:

  1. composer create-project...
  2. make init
  3. make setup
  4. make dev

Notable Features:

Local machine prerequisites:

  1. Docker
  2. DDEV, minimum version 1.19
  3. Optional, but recommended, Composer

Getting Started

Option 1: With Composer (recommended)

If you have Composer installed on your local machine, you can use create-project to pull the latest tagged release.

Open terminal prompt, and run:

composer create-project zizther/craftcms-ddev PATH --no-install

Make sure that PATH is a new or existing and empty folder.

Option 2: With Git CLI

Alternatively you can clone the repo via the Git CLI. degit is the easiest way:

degit git@github.com:zizther/craftcms-ddev.git PATH

Make sure that PATH is a new or existing and empty folder.

Last, clean up and set some default files for use:

make init

If you are using git clone

You'll want to discard the existing /.git directory. In the terminal, run:

rm -rf .git

Option 3: Manual Download

Download a copy of the repo to your local machine and move to where you want to your project to run. Similar to above, you'll then want to clean up and set some default files for use. In the terminal, run:

make init

Configuring DDEV

Note: This section is optional. If you are simply test-driving this project, feel free to skip to the next section. ⚡

To configure your project to operate on a domain other than https://craftcms.test, run:

ddev config

Follow the prompts.

  • Project name: e.g. mysite would result in a project URL of https://mysite.test (make note of this for later in the installation process)
  • Docroot location: defaults to web, keep as-is
  • Project Type: defaults to php, keep as-is

Installing Craft

To install a clean version of Craft, run:

make setup

Follow the prompts.

This command will:

  1. Set the project name and domain
  2. Copy your local SSH keys into the container (handy if you are setting up craft-scripts)
  3. Start your DDEV project
  4. Install Composer
  5. Install npm
  6. Do a one-time build of Vite
  7. Generate CRAFT_APP_ID and save to your .env file
  8. Generate CRAFT_SECURITY_KEY and save to your .env file
  9. Installing Craft for the first time, allowing you to set the admin's account credentials
  10. Install some of the Craft plugins

Once the process is complete, type ddev launch to open the project in your default browser. 🚀

Local development with Vite

To begin development with Vite's dev server & HMR, run:

make dev

This command will:

  1. Copy your local SSH keys into the container (handy if you are setting up craft-scripts)
  2. Start your DDEV project
  3. Install Composer
  4. Install npm
  5. Do a one-time build of Vite
  6. Spin up the Vite dev server

Open up a browser to your project domain to verify that Vite is connected. Begin crafting beautiful things. ❤️


A Makefile has been included to provide a unified CLI for common development commands.

  • make install - Runs a complete one-time process to set the project up and install Craft.
  • make up - Starts the DDEV project, ensuring that SSH keys have been added, and npm & Composer have been installed.
  • make dev - Runs a one-time build of all front-end assets, then starts Vite's server for HMR.
  • make build - Builds all front-end assets.
  • make composer xxx - Run Composer commands inside the container, e.g. make composer install
  • make craft xxx - Run Craft commands inside the container, e.g. make craft project-config/touch
  • make npm xxx - Run npm commands inside the container, e.g. make npm install
  • make clean - Removes the composer.lock, package-lock.json and the entire node_modules & vendor directory
  • make nuke - Restarts the project from scratch by running make clean (above), then reinstalls composer and node packages
  • make pull - Pull remote db & assets (requires setting up craft-scripts

Tip: If you try a command like make craft project-config/apply --force you’ll see an error, because the shell thinks the --force flag should be applied to the make command. To side-step this, use the -- (double-dash) to disable further option processing, like this: make -- craft project-config/apply --force

Craft CMS Plugins

  1. AWS S3
  2. CKEditor
  3. CP Clear Cache
  4. CP Field Inspect
  5. Craft Autocomplete
  6. Hyper
  7. Navigation
  8. Neo
  9. Quick Field
  10. Ray
  11. Retour
  12. SEOmatic
  13. Vite

Javascript Libraries

  1. Alpine
  2. Body Scroll Locking
  3. Splide
  4. GSAP
  5. Quicklink
  6. Reframe
  7. Vanilla Lazyload


Thanks to Andrew (nystudio107) and johndwells for the inspiration