
Demo App

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

This is a demo microservice with products, shoes, and reviews for sample data.

Getting Started

  1. Install Docker [https://www.docker.com/products/container-runtime]
  2. Clone the Repo [https://github.com/zizzle6717/shoes-app.git]
  3. Create a local .env file and verify node version with npm run env:init
    • Update the newly created .env file with your local environment variables
  4. npm install in the root directory

Setup Dev Environment w/ Docker

  1. Install Postres and Redis locally
  • Optionally use the included docker run scripts in the package.json
  • ie. In a separate terminal npm run docker:run:redis
  • ie. In another separate terminal npm run docker:run:postgres
  1. Startup Commands
    1. npm run init (This will generate documentations and populate the database with tables and a few records)
    2. npm run build:watch (watches files for changes and hot module reloads)
    3. In yet another terminal run npm start
  2. If running postgres/redis with docker, your setup might look like this... Terminal Setup Hot module reloading is configured to restart the app each time a file change is saved.

Setup Dev Environment w/ Kubernetes & Skaffold

Assuming you have kubectl installed on your local machine along with minikube or docker-desktop, run the following to commands...

  1. Apply the mandatory ingress-nginx config. kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/master/deploy/static/mandatory.yaml (https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx/deploy/#prerequisite-generic-deployment-command)
  2. Apply the config files from /k8s with kubectl apply -f k8s

TODO: Configure Skaffold


Swagger documentation can be found by visiting http://localhost:7000/docs/. Replace with the port from you local environment variables.

Test Coverage

Run all tests with npm run test. Also run unit tests only with npm run test:unit or integration tests only with npm run test:integ. Coverage can then be found by visiting http://localhost:7000/coverage/

Healthcheck endpoint

Use this endpoint to check that the service is running http://localhost:7000/_healthz


Real-time metrics can be found by visiting http://localhost:7000/appmetrics-dash/


Logging can be configured by setting the appropriate environment variables in the .env file. To view logs locally in the console, set LOGGING_HOST=console and set the log level such as LOGGING_LEVEL=info. For production or logging with a pre-production instance, LOGGING_HOST should be the elastic search client node.

Build Pipeline and Deployment (w/ TravisCI, Docker, and Kubernetes)

Github is configured to build and test each time changes are committed and pushed. Modify the included .travis.yml to reconfigure.