
  1. Filename
  2. Description of the data
    SiteID == MOPEX watershed ID
    P == precipitation (mm/year)
    Ep == potential evaporation (mm/year)
    Q == total runoff (mm/year)
    Qd == direct runoff (mm/year)
    Qb == base flow (mm/year)
    tb == Average time interval between rainfall events (day)
    N == Number of rainfall events (per year)
    dP* == Seasonality of precipitation and the phase difference between precipitation and potential evaporation (-)
    NDVImax == Mean annual maximum NDVI (-)
    Slope == Average slope (%)
    ksat == Saturated hydraulic conductivity (mm/hour)
    wp == Permanent wilting point (-)
    fc-nr == Difference between field capacity and residual soil moisture (-)
    Sb == Effective soil water storage capacity (mm)
  3. References
    Tang, Y., Wang, D., Evaluating the role of watershed properties in long-term water balance through a Budyko equation based on two-stage partitioning of precipitation, Water Resources Research, in press, doi: 10.1002/2016WR019920.