
A PyTorch implementation of our paper Variance-Reduced Heterogeneous Federated Learning via Stratified Client Selection

Primary LanguagePython

Variance-Reduced Heterogeneous Federated Learning via Stratified Client Selection

A PyTorch implementation of our paper Variance-Reduced Heterogeneous Federated Learning via Stratified Client Selection.


  • Python (>=3.6)
  • PyTorch (>=1.7.1)
  • NumPy (>=1.19.2)
  • Scikit-Learn (>=0.24.1)
  • Scipy (>=1.6.1)

To install all dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Running an experiment

Here we provide the implementation of Stratified Client Selection Scheme along with MNIST, FMNIST and CIFAR-10 dataset. This code takes as input:

  • The dataset used.
  • The data partition method used. partition ∈ { iid, dir_{alpha}, shard }
  • The sampling scheme used. sampling ∈ { random, importance, ours }
  • The percentage of clients sampled sample_ratio. We consider 100 clients in all our datasets and use thus sample_ratio=0.1.
  • The learning rate lr used.
  • The batch size batch_size used.
  • The number of SGD run locally n_SGD used.
  • The number of rounds of training n_iter.
  • The number of strata strata_num used in ours sampling.
  • The learning rate decay used after each SGD. We consider no decay in our experiments, decay=1.
  • The local loss function regularization parameter mu. FedProx with µ = 0 and without systems heterogeneity (no stragglers) corresponds to FedAvg.
  • The seed used to initialize the training model. We use 0 in all our experiments.
  • Force a boolean equal force to True when a simulation has already been run but needs to be rerun.
  • To train and evaluate on MNIST:
python main_mnist.py --dataset=MNIST \
    --partition=iid \
    --sampling=random \
    --sample_ratio=0.1 \
    --lr=0.01 \
    --batch_size=50 \
    --n_SGD=50 \
    --n_iter=200 \
    --strata_num=10 \
    --decay=1.0 \
    --mu=0.0 \
    --seed=0 \
  • To train and evaluate on FMNIST:
python main_fmnist.py --dataset=FMNIST \
    --partition=shard \
    --sampling=importance \
    --sample_ratio=0.1 \
    --lr=0.01 \
    --batch_size=50 \
    --n_SGD=50 \
    --n_iter=200 \
    --strata_num=10 \
    --decay=1.0 \
    --mu=0.0 \
    --seed=0 \
  • To train and evaluate on CIFAR-10:
python main_cifar10.py --dataset=CIFAR10 \
    --partition=dir_0.001 \
    --sampling=ours \
    --sample_ratio=0.1 \
    --lr=0.05 \
    --batch_size=50 \
    --n_SGD=80 \
    --n_iter=800 \
    --strata_num=10 \
    --decay=1.0 \
    --mu=0.0 \
    --seed=0 \

Every experiment saves by default the training loss, the testing accuracy, and the sampled clients at every iteration in the folder saved_exp_info. The global model and local models histories can also be saved.


If you use our code in your research, please cite the following article: