
A showcase of combining Elasticsearch with BERT on the HackerNews public data

Primary LanguagePython


This is a simple demonstration to combine BERT with elasticsearch to improve search quality.

All setups are composed using Docker. In order to replicate the project, please just follow the steps below:

  • Download HackerNews public data from Google BigQuery Public Dataset, and save it locally and set the path to dataset as environment variable:
export DATA_PATH=path_to_your_csv
  • Download the BERT pre-trained embeddings. There are many pre-trained embeddings available, for instance, you could use wget:
wget https://storage.googleapis.com/bert_models/2018_10_18/cased_L-12_H-768_A-12.zip

And then unzip the folder, and set the absolute path of the folder as environment variable MODEL_PATH.

export MODEL_PATH=path_to_your_pretrained_model
  • Create search index for elasticsearch, to make elasticsearch work, an index is needed to find search items, so simply do
export SEARCH_INDEX=any_search_index_name
  • Move into the cloned repo, build and run dockers, there is the docker-compose file which composes of several dockers:
cd HackerBERT
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
  • Create search indexes:
python main.py
  • Play with it on