
Hyprland dotfiles

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


These are my dotfiles for my Hyprland rice, using Arch Linux

More info below images.

Special thanks


To use my config, there is a script ./setup_script.sh that will symlink all the config files in this repo to ~/.config. Warning! This will remove any existing files and folders in ~/.config that are also in this repo.



paru -S hyprland-nvidia-git

Read the Hyprland wiki: https://wiki.hyprland.org/Getting-Started/Master-Tutorial/


  • Notifications: paru -S dunst
  • Screenshots: paru -S grimblast-git slurp grim
  • Screen sharing: paru -S pipewire wireplumber xdg-desktop-portal xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland-git
  • Fix fonts and find new fonts: paru -S nerdfix
  • Authentication agent: paru -S polkit polkit-gnome gnome-keyring
  • Qt Wayland support: paru -S qt5-wayland qt6-wayland

Login/display manager: SDDM

paru -S sddm-git sddm-theme-deepin-git


  • rEFInd with Ursa-Major theme
  • paru -S refind intel-ucode efibootmgr
  • sudo refind-install
  • Boot options: root=/dev/nvme0n1p1 rw quiet splash loglevel=4 vga=current udev.log_priority=3 vt.global_cursor_default=0 nvidia-drm.modeset=1 nowatchdog audit=0 initrd=intel-ucode.img



  • Get paru from here
  • In /etc/pacman.conf:
    • Uncomment Color
    • Set ParallelDownloads = 20
    • Enable the multilib repo


paru -S vim neovim powerline


  • paru -S firefox
  • Make Firefox ignore GTK theme:
    • Go to about:config, set widget.content.gtk-theme-override to something like Breeze:light (make sure Breeze theme is installed).
  • Right click immediately picks the first option, fix:
    • Go to about:config, set ui.context_menus.after_mouseup to true.
  • Disable full screen warning:
    • Go to about:config, set full-screen-api.warning.timeout to 0.
  • Enable GFX webrender:
    • Go to about:config, set gfx.webrender.all to true.


paru -S kitty-git kitty-shell-integration-git kitty-terminfo-git

File manager

  • paru -S thunar thunar-archive-plugin thunar-media-tags-plugin thunar-volman gvfs ntfs-3g tumbler
  • paru -S ranger highlight w3m
  • Add inode/directory=thunar.desktop to ~/.config/mimeapps.list under [Default Applications]


  • paru -S vlc vlc-pause-click-plugin
  • paru -S qt6-tools (needed for qdbus commands)
  • paru -S pipewire-pulse pulseaudio pulseaudio-ctl pulseaudio-alsa alsa-lib pavucontrol

Fix pulseaudio volume adjust delay

Fix pulseaudio pop on idle


paru -S networkmanager networkmanager-applet nm-connection-editor


  • paru -S nordic-polar-theme-git nordic-theme-git
  • Nord theme in vim
  • paru -S qt5ct qt6ct
  • paru -S capitaine-cursors
  • paru -S lxappearance to set the global theme, icon theme and cursor theme.


  • paru -S spotify spicetify-cli spicetify-themes-git
  • Fix permissions: Solution
  • Set spotify data file to folder on different drive: Solution


paru -S waybar-hyprland-git

Mouse driver (Logitech G502)

paru -S piper-git

GPU Drivers

paru -S nvidia nvidia-utils lib32-nvidia-utils

Enable DRM KMS to eliminate tearing: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/NVIDIA#DRM_kernel_mode_setting. Don't forget the pacman hook!

CPU settings

  • paru -S cpupower
  • Set governor='performance' in /etc/default/cpupower to change the default governor.
  • Enable the service at boot: sudo systemctl enable cpupower.service


  • paru -S git npm python2 python ruby php xclip neofetch cava kcolorchooser ksysguard spectacle simplescreenrecorder htop gparted numlockx redshift xcape powerline powerline-common powerline-fonts polkit-kde-agent light gucharmap
  • Stop rtkit-daemon log spam:
    • Create /etc/systemd/system/rtkit-daemon.service.d/override.conf


  • ttf-bitstream-vera
  • ttf-dejavu
  • ttf-droid
  • ttf-font-awesome
  • ttf-hack
  • ttf-inconsolata
  • ttf-liberation
  • ttf-material-design-icons
  • ttf-roboto
  • ttf-unifont
  • noto-fonts
  • noto-fonts-emoji
  • powerline-fonts
  • otf-font-awesome
  • gnu-free-fonts
