
CS 118 2022 Winter autograding scripts (for student)

Primary LanguagePython

CS118 Project 2 Autograder (For Student use)

How to use the autograder

  1. Copy your tarball XXX_YYY_ZZZ.tar.gz into submission folder.
  2. Run the shell command
docker run --rm -it \
  --volume=${PWD}/submission:/autograder/submission:rw \
  --volume=${PWD}/results:/autograder/results:rw \
  1. The results will be put into results/results.json
  • It takes very long (> 5 min)
  • To run it on Windows, replace ${PWD} with your Windows path. For example, D:\\w22-p2-student-test\\submission instead of ${PWD}/submission.