
URLX in ONE py file - url analysis links for user provided domain name

Primary LanguagePython

This is a python script(s) that will give the results of the url reputation.

Currently it gives the results from the following reputation analysis sites:

  1. urlvoid.com (Link and rating)
  2. safeweb.norton.com (Link and verdict)
  3. sitecheck.sucuri.net (Link only)
  4. talosintelligence.com (Link only)
  5. threatminer.org (Link only)
  6. abuseipdb.com (Link only)
  7. transparencyreport.google.com (Link only)
  8. hashdd.com (Link only)
  9. malwaredomainlist.com (Link only)
  10. reputationauthority.com(Link only)
  11. scamadvisor.com (Link only)
  12. securitytrails.com (Link only)