
Zero encoding extreme performance binary serializer for C#.

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Zero encoding extreme performance binary serializer for C#.


For standard object, MemoryPack is x3 faster than MessagePack for C#. For struct array, MemoryPack gots boosted power, x50~100 faster than other serializers.

MemoryPack is my 4th serializer, previously I've created well known serializers, ZeroFormatter, Utf8Json, MessagePack for C#. The reason for MemoryPack's speed is due to its C#-specific, C#-optimized binary format and a well tuned implementation based on my past experience. It is also a completely new design utilizing .NET 7 and C# 11 and the Incremental Source Generator.

Other serializers performs many encoding operations such as VarInt encoding, tag, UTF8 Encoding, etc. MemoryPack format uses a zero-encoding design that copies as much of the C# memory as possible. zero-encoding is similar as FlatBuffers but don't need special type, MemoryPack's serialize target is POCO.

Other than performance, MemoryPack has these features.

  • Support modern I/O APIs(IBufferWriter<byte>, ReadOnlySpan<byte>, ReadOnlySequence<byte>)
  • Native AOT friendly Source Generator based code generation, no Dynamic CodeGen(IL.Emit)
  • Reflectionless non-generics APIs
  • Deserialize into existing instance
  • Polymorphism(Union) serialization
  • PipeWriter/Reader based streaming serialization


This library is distributed via NuGet. Minimum requirement is .NET 7 RC1.

PM> Install-Package MemoryPack

And you need to enable preview features to .csproj.


Quick Start

Define the struct or class to be serialized and annotate it with a [MemoryPackable] attribute and partial keyword.

using MemoryPack;

public partial class Person
    public int Age { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

Serialization code is generated via C# source generator feature, that implements IMemoryPackable<T> interface. In Visual Studio, you can check generated code via Ctrl+K, R on class name and select *.MemoryPackFormatter.g.cs.

Call MemoryPackSerializer.Serialize<T>/Deserialize<T> to serialize/deserialize your object instance.

var v = new Person { Age = 40, Name = "John" };

var bin = MemoryPackSerializer.Serialize(v);
var val = MemoryPackSerializer.Deserialize<Person>(bin);

Serialize method supports return byte[] and serialize to IBufferWriter<byte> or Stream. Deserialize method supports ReadOnlySpan<byte>, ReadOnlySeqeunce<byte> and Stream. And also there have non-generics version.

Built-in supported types

These types can serialize by default:

  • .NET primitives (byte, int, bool, char, double, etc...)
  • Unmanaged types(Any enum, Any user-defined strcut that no contains reference type)
  • string, decimal, Half, Int128, UInt128, Guid, Rune, BigInteger
  • TimeSpan, DateTime, DateTimeOffset, TimeOnly, DateOnly, TimeZoneInfo
  • Complex, Plane, Quaternion Matrix3x2, Matrix4x4, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4
  • Uri, Version, StringBuilder, Type, BitArray
  • T[], T[,], T[,,], T[,,,], Memory<>, ReadOnlyMemory<>, ArraySegment<>, ReadOnlySequence<>
  • Nullable<>, Lazy<>, KeyValuePair<,>, Tuple<,...>, ValueTuple<,...>
  • List<>, LinkedList<>, Queue<>, Stack<>, HashSet<>, PriorityQueue<,>
  • Dictionary<,>, SortedList<,>, SortedDictionary<,>, ReadOnlyDictionary<,>
  • Collection<>, ReadOnlyCollection<>,ObservableCollection<>, ReadOnlyObservableCollection<>
  • IEnumerable<>, ICollection<>, IList<>, IReadOnlyCollection<>, IReadOnlyList<>, ISet<>
  • IDictionary<,>, IReadOnlyDictionary<,>, ILookup<,>, IGrouping<,>,
  • ConcurrentBag<>, ConcurrentQueue<>, ConcurrentStack<>, ConcurrentDictionary<,>, BlockingCollection<>
  • Immutable collections (ImmutableList<>, etc) and interfaces (IImmutableList<>, etc)

Define [MemoryPackable] class / struct / record / record struct

[MemoryPackable] can annotate to any class, struct, record, record struct and interface. If type is struct or record struct and that contains no reference type(C# Unmanaged types), any additional annotation(ignore, include, constructor, callbacks) is not used, that serialize/deserialize directly from the memory.

Otherwise, in the default, [MemoryPackable] serializes public instance property or field. You can use [MemoryPackIgnore] to remove serialization target, [MemoryPackInclude] promotes a private member to serialization target.

public partial class Sample
    // these types are serialized by default
    public int PublicField;
    public readonly int PublicReadOnlyField;
    public int PublicProperty { get; set; }
    public int PrivateSetPublicProperty { get; private set; }
    public int ReadOnlyPublicProperty { get; }
    public int InitProperty { get; init; }
    public required int RequiredInitProperty { get; init; }

    // these types are not serialized by default
    int privateProperty { get; set; }
    int privateField;
    readonly int privateReadOnlyField;

    // use [MemoryPackIgnore] to remove target of public member
    public int PublicProperty2 => PublicProperty + PublicField;

    // use [MemoryPackInclude] to promote private member to serialization target
    int privateField2;
    int privateProperty2 { get; set; }

Which members are serialized, you can check IntelliSense in type(code genreator makes serialization info to <remarks /> comment).


All members must be memorypack-serializable, if not, code generator reports error.


MemoryPack has 24 diagnostics rules(MEMPACK001 to MEMPACK026) to be define comfortably.

If target type is defined MemoryPack serialization externally and registered, use [MemoryPackAllowSerialize] to silent diagnostics.

public partial class Sample2
    public NotSerializableType? NotSerializableProperty { get; set; }

Member order is important, MemoryPack does not serialize any member-name and other tags, serialize in the declared order. If the type is inherited, serialize in the order of parent → child. Member orders can not change for the deserialization. For the schema evolution, see Version tolerant section.

Default order is sequential but you can choose explicit layout with [MemoryPackable(SerializeLayout.Explicit)] and [MemoryPackOrder()].

// serialize Prop0 -> Prop1
public partial class SampleExplicitOrder
    public int Prop1 { get; set; }
    public int Prop0 { get; set; }

Constructor selection

MemoryPack supports parameterized constructor not only parameterless constructor. The selection of the constructor follows these rules. Both class and struct follows same.

  • If has [MemoryPackConstructor], use it
  • If has no explicit constructor(includes private), use parameterless one
  • If has a one parameterless/parameterized constructor(includes private), use it
  • If has multiple constructors, must apply [MemoryPackConstructor] attribute(no automatically choose one), otherwise generator error it.
  • If choosed parameterized constructor, all parameter name must match with member name(case-insensitive)
public partial class Person
    public readonly int Age;
    public readonly string Name;

    // You can use parametarized constructor(paramter name must match with member names)
    public Person(int age, string name)
        this.Age = age;
        this.Name = name;

// also supports record primary constructor
public partial record Person2(int Age, string Name);

public partial class Person3
    public int Age { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public Person3()

    // If exists multiple constructors, must use [MemoryPackConstructor]
    public Person3(int age, string name)
        this.Age = age;
        this.Name = name;

Serialization callbacks

When serialize, deserialize, MemoryPack can hook before/after event with [MemoryPackOnSerializing], [MemoryPackOnSerialized], [MemoryPackOnDeserializing], [MemoryPackOnDeserialized] attributes. It can annotate both static and instance, public and private method but must be paramterless method.

public partial class MethodCallSample
    // method call order is static -> instance
    public static void OnSerializing1()

    // also allows private method
    void OnSerializing2()

    // serializing -> /* serialize */ -> serialized
    static void OnSerialized1()

    public void OnSerialized2()

    public static void OnDeserializing1()

    // Note: instance method with MemoryPackOnDeserializing, that not called if instance is not passed by `ref`
    public void OnDeserializing2()

    public static void OnDeserialized1()

    public void OnDeserialized2()

Define custom collection

In default, annotated [MemoryPackObject] type try to search members. However if type is collection(ICollection<>, ISet<>, IDictionary<,>), you can change GenreateType.Collection to serialize correctly.

public partial class MyList<T> : List<T>

public partial class MyStringDictionary<TValue> : Dictionary<string, TValue>



MemoryPack supports serializing interface and abstract class objects for polymorphism serialization. In MemoryPack these are called Union. Only interfaces and abstracts classes are allowed to be annotated with [MemoryPackUnion] attributes. Unique union tags are required.

// Annotate [MemoryPackable] and inheritance types by [MemoryPackUnion]
// Union also supports abstract class
[MemoryPackUnion(0, typeof(FooClass))]
[MemoryPackUnion(1, typeof(BarClass))]
public partial interface IUnionSample

public partial class FooClass : IUnionSample
    public int XYZ { get; set; }

public partial class BarClass : IUnionSample
    public string? OPQ { get; set; }
// ---

IUnionSample data = new FooClass() { XYZ = 999 };

// Serialize as interface type.
var bin = MemoryPackSerializer.Serialize(data);

// Deserialize as interface type.
var reData = MemoryPackSerializer.Deserialize<IUnionSample>(bin);

switch (reData)
    case FooClass x:
    case BarClass x:

Serialize API

Serialize has three overloads.

// Non generic API also available, these version is first argument is Type and value is object?
byte[] Serialize<T>(in T? value, MemoryPackSerializeOptions? options = default)
void Serialize<T, TBufferWriter>(in TBufferWriter bufferWriter, in T? value, MemoryPackSerializeOptions? options = default)
async ValueTask SerializeAsync<T>(Stream stream, T? value, MemoryPackSerializeOptions? options = default, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

The recommended way to do this in Performance is to use BufferWriter. This serializes directly into the buffer. It can be applied to PipeWriter in System.IO.Pipelines, BodyWriter in ASP .NET Core, etc.

If a byte[] is required (e.g. RedisValue in StackExchange.Redis), return byte[] API is simple and almostly fast.

Note that SerializeAsync for Stream is asynchronous only for Flush; it serializes everything once into MemoryPack's internal pool buffer and then writes it out with WriteAsync. Therefore, BufferWriter overloading, which separates and controls buffer and flush, is better.

If you want to do complete streaming write, see Streaming Serialization section.


MemoryPackSerializeOptions configures how serialize string as Utf16 or Utf8. If passing null then uses MemoryPackSerializeOptions.Default, it is same as MemoryPackSerializeOptions.Utf8, in other words, serialize the string as Utf8. If you want to serialize with Utf16, you can use MemoryPackSerializeOptions.Utf16.

Since C#'s internal string representation is UTF16, UTF16 performs better. However, the payload tends to be larger; in UTF8, an ASCII string is one byte, while in UTF16 it is two bytes. Because the difference in size of this payload is so large, UTF8 is set by default.

If the data is non-ASCII (e.g. Japanese, which can be more than 3 bytes, and UTF8 is larger), or if you have to compress it separately, UTF16 may give better results.

Whether UTF8 or UTF16 is selected during serialization, it is not necessary to specify it during deserialization. It will be automatically detected and deserialized normally.

Deserialize API

Deserialize has ReadOnlySpan<byte> and ReadOnlySequence<byte>, Stream overload and ref support.

T? Deserialize<T>(ReadOnlySpan<byte> buffer)
void Deserialize<T>(ReadOnlySpan<byte> buffer, ref T? value)
T? Deserialize<T>(in ReadOnlySequence<byte> buffer)
void Deserialize<T>(in ReadOnlySequence<byte> buffer, ref T? value)
async ValueTask<T?> DeserializeAsync<T>(Stream stream)

ref overload overwrite existing instance, for details see Overwrite section.

DeserializeAsync(Stream) is not completely streaming read, first read into MemoryPack's internal pool up to the end-of-stream, then deserialize.

If you want to do complete streaming read, see Streaming Serialization section.


MemoryPack supports deserialize to existing instance, that reduce new instance allocation. It can use by Deserialize(ref T? value) overload.

var person = new Person();
var bin = MemoryPackSerializer.Serialize(person);

// overwrite data to existing instance.
MemoryPackSerializer.Deserialize(bin, ref person);

MemoryPack will attempt to overwrite as much as possible, but if the conditions do not match, it will create a new instance (as in normal deserialization).

  • ref value(includes members in object graph) is null, set new instance
  • only allows parameterless constructor, if parametarized constructor is used, create new instance
  • if value is T[], reuse only if the length is the same, otherwise create new instance
  • if value is collection that has .Clear() method(List<>, Stack<>, Queue<>, LinkedList<>, HashSet<>, PriorityQueue<,>, ObservableCollection, Collection, ConcurrentQueue<>, ConcurrentStack<>, ConcurrentBag<>, Dictionary<,>, SoretedDictionary<,>, SortedList<,>, ConcurrentDictionary<,>) call Clear() and reuse it, otherwise create new instance

Version tolerant

MemoryPack supports schema evolution limitedly.

  • unmanaged struct can't change any more
  • MemoryPackable objects, members can be added, but not deleted
  • MemoryPackable objects, can't change member order
public partial class VersionCheck
    public int Prop1 { get; set; }
    public long Prop2 { get; set; }

// Add is OK.
public partial class VersionCheck
    public int Prop1 { get; set; }
    public long Prop2 { get; set; }
    public int? AddedProp { get; set; }

// Remove is NG.
public partial class VersionCheck
    // public int Prop1 { get; set; }
    public long Prop2 { get; set; }

// Change order is NG.
public partial class VersionCheck
    public long Prop2 { get; set; }
    public int Prop1 { get; set; }

Next Serialization info section shows how to check for schema changes, e.g., by CI, to prevent accidents.

Serialization info

Which members are serialized, you can check IntelliSense in type. There is an option to write that information to a file at compile time. Set MemoryPackGenerator_SerializationInfoOutputDirectory as follows.

<!-- output memoerypack serialization info to directory -->
    <CompilerVisibleProperty Include="MemoryPackGenerator_SerializationInfoOutputDirectory" />

The following info is written to the file.


If the type is unmanaged, showed unmanaged before type name.

unmanaged FooStruct
int x
int y

By checking the differences in this file, dangerous schema changes can be prevented. For example, you may want to use CI to detect the following rules

  • modify unmanaged type
  • member order change
  • member deletion


TODO for describe details, stay tuned.

Payload size and compression

Payload size depends on the target value; unlike JSON, there are no keys and it is a binary format, so the payload size is likely to be smaller than JSON.

For those with varint encoding, such as MessagePack and Protobuf, MemoryPack tends to be larger if ints are used a lot (in MemoryPack, ints are always 4 bytes due to fixed size encoding, while MsgPack is 1~5 bytes).

float and double are 4 bytes and 8 bytes in MemoryPack, but 5 bytes and 9 bytes in MsgPack. So MemoryPack is smaller, for example, for Vector3 (float, float, float) arrays.

String is UTF8 by default, which is similar to other serializers, but if the UTF16 option is chosen, it will be of a different nature.

In any case, if the payload size is large, compression should be considered. LZ4, ZStandard and Brotli are recommended. An efficient way to combine compression and serialization will be presented at a later date.


MemoryPack has four packages.

  • MemoryPack
  • MemoryPack.Core
  • MemoryPack.Generator
  • MemoryPack.Streaming

Mainly you only reference MemoryPack, this both MemoryPack.Core and MemoryPack.Generator. If you want to use Streaming Serialization, additionaly use MemoryPack.Streaming.

Streaming Serialization

MemoryPack.Streaming provides additional MemoryPackStreamingSerializer, it serialize/deserialize collection data streamingly.

public static class MemoryPackStreamingSerializer
    public static async ValueTask SerializeAsync<T>(PipeWriter pipeWriter, int count, IEnumerable<T> source, int flushRate = 4096, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
    public static async ValueTask SerializeAsync<T>(Stream stream, int count, IEnumerable<T> source, int flushRate = 4096, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
    public static async IAsyncEnumerable<T?> DeserializeAsync<T>(PipeReader pipeReader, int bufferAtLeast = 4096, int readMinimumSize = 8192, [EnumeratorCancellation] CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
    public static IAsyncEnumerable<T?> DeserializeAsync<T>(Stream stream, int bufferAtLeast = 4096, int readMinimumSize = 8192, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Formatter/Provider API

If you want to implement formatter manually, inherit MemoryPackFormatter<T> to recommended.

public class SkeltonFormatter : MemoryPackFormatter<Skelton>
    public override void Serialize<TBufferWriter>(ref MemoryPackWriter<TBufferWriter> writer, scoped ref Skelton? value)
        if (value == null)

        // use writer method.

    public override void Deserialize(ref MemoryPackReader reader, scoped ref Skelton? value)
        if (!reader.TryReadObjectHeader(out var count))
            value = null;

        // use reader method.

The created formatter is registered with MemoryPackFormatterProvider.

MemoryPackFormatterProvider.Register(new SkeltonFormatter());

Unity support

Currently MemoryPack dependents .NET 7 runtime, incremental generator and C# 11. Therefore it will not work in Unity. .NET 7 support is planned for Unity 2025.

If you request it, there is a possibility to make a detuned Unity version. Please send your request to Issues with the case you wish to use.

Binary wire format specification

The type of T defined in Serialize<T> and Deserialize<T> is called C# schema. MemoryPack format is not self described format. Deserialize requires the corresponding C# schema. Five types exist as internal representations of binaries, but types cannot be determined without a C# schema.

There are no endian specifications. It is not possible to convert on machines with different endianness. However modern computers are usually little-endian.

There are five value types of format.

  • Unmanaged struct
  • Object
  • Collection
  • String
  • Union

Unmanaged struct

Unmanaged struct is C# struct that no contains reference type, similar constraint of C# Unmanaged types. Serializing struct layout as is, includes padding.


(byte memberCount, [values...])

Object has 1byte unsigned byte as member count in header. Member count allows 0 to 249, 255 represents object is null. Values store memorypack value for the number of member count.


(int length, [values...])

Collection has 4byte signed interger as data count in header, -1 represents null. Values store memorypack value for the number of length.


(int utf16-length, utf16-value)
(int ~utf8-length, int utf16-length, utf8-value)

String has two-form, UTF16 and UTF8. If first 4byte signed integer is -1, represents null. 0, represents empty. UTF16 is same as collection(serialize as ReadOnlySpan<char>, utf16-value's byte count is utf16-length * 2). If first signed integer <= -2, value is encoded by UTF8. utf8-length is encoded in complement, ~utf8-length to retrieve length. Next signed integer is utf16-length, it allows -1 that represents unknown length. utf8-value store byte value for the number of utf8-length.


((byte)254, byte tag, value)

Union has 2 byte unsgined byte in header, First byte 254 is marker as Union, next unsgined byte is tag that for discriminated value type. When marker byte is 255 represents null.


This library is licensed under the MIT License.