
Sample Codes for the Course "Computations and Quantitative Models in Macro" by Alex Monge at the EUI, Florence

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Sample Codes for the Course "Computations and Quantitative Models in Macro" by Alex Monge at the EUI, Florence

This repository provides some sample codes to accompany Alex Monge's EUI course on Computational Models in Macro in the academic year 2021/22.

The folder "codes_Aiyagari" finds the steady state in a standard Aiyagari model by solving households' consumption-savings problem in different ways.

The folder "codes_transition" solves for the transitional dynamics of an Aiyagari economy by applying the extended path algortihm.

The folder "codes_SSJ" compares the extended path algortihm to the sequence space Jacobian method of solving transitional dynamics.

The codes are meant to illustrate solution methods as easily accessible as possible and are not necessarily optimized for maximum speed. Suggestions to further improve the codes are very welcome.

Please direct errors or questions to lukas.nord@eui.eu.