DVD Store Version 3 - github.com/dvdstore/ds3
DVD Store 3 (DS3) is an open source test / benchmark tool that simultaes an online store that sells DVDs. Customers can login, browse DVDs, browse reviews of DVDs, create new reviews, rate reviews, become premium members, and purchase DVDs. Everything needed to create, load, and stress this online store is included in the DVD Store project.
DVD Store 3 is based on the previous DVD Store 2. The new features in DVD Store 3 revolve around the addition of customer reviews and premium membership.
This is a database test workload. The database is created using the included tools and then stressed with the included driver program that simultes user activity.
Full details are included in the various readme files in the DS3 subdirectories.
DVD Store 3 will support Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, and PostGres databases when complete.
As of this update in July 2015, Oracle and MySQL support is complete.