
An application of Ant Colony Optimization to choosing Daily Fantasy Sports baseball rosters

Primary LanguageHTML

Although this repo is in desperate need of a proper README and documentation, the priority for delivery will depend on demand (for which now there is none). Feel free to post questions/requests as an Issue and I'll do my best to accommodate.

The current, albiet sub-optimal, process is to navigate to the relevant rotogrinders.com page to load current data, do relevant filtering (i.e. time slot), then save the html file locally. It needs to be saved in sub-directory structure: <this_repo>/data/draftkings/<date_string>/<filename> with filename given by either pitching.html or batting.html.

The date string is then specified when running the program, e.g.: python test.py 10-13-16. You can see optional argument details via python test.py --help.

The real meat of the algorithm is in src/aco.py. The test.py script is just an example of a driver program leveraging these classes.