
Python implementation of HDD, a hierarchical embedding and distance recovery method using hyperbolic geometry and diffusion geometry.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Hyperbolic Diffusion Distance


Usage Example


from hyperbolic_diffusion_distance import *
from diffusion_operator_util import *

# graph_data is edge connectivity
ev, left_evv, right_evv = diffusion_operator_graph(graph_data, if_full_spec = True)
hde, hdd = hyperbolic_diffusion(ev, left_evv, right_evv, K)

Data Graph

from hyperbolic_diffusion_distance import *
from diffusion_operator_util import *

# data is the high-dimensional observation
# cosine distance used here, other distance can be used to explore in diffusion geometry 
dis_mat = pairwise_distances(data, metric = 'cosine') 
ev, left_evv, right_evv = diffusion_operator_normalized_data(data, dis_mat, if_full_spec = True)
hde, hdd = hyperbolic_diffusion(ev, left_evv, right_evv, K)


Download the data below and run hyperbolic diffusion distance experiments using the exp_main.py script

Hierarchical Graph Embedding Learning

  • Data: the small balanced tree, the phylogenetic tree, the disease, the CS-PHD, and the Gr-Qc graphs
  • K: balanced tree (K=3), phylogenetic tree (K=3), the disease (K=3), the CS-PHD (K=4), and the Gr-Qc graphs (K=10)

Single-Cell Gene Expression Data

Unsupervised Hierarchical Metric Learning

  • Data [5]: the Zoo, the Iris, the Glass, and the Image Segmentation datasets
  • K: Zoo (K=4), Iris(K=6), Glass(K=5), and Image Segmentation (K=8)


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[4] Stoeckius, M., Hafemeister, C., Stephenson, W., Houck- Loomis, B., Chattopadhyay, P. K., Swerdlow, H., Satija, R., and Smibert, P. Simultaneous epitope and transcrip- tome measurement in single cells. Nature methods, 14 (9):865–868, 2017.

[5] Dua, D. and Graff, C. UCI machine learning repository, 2017. URL http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml.