
Indicate haplotypes in snp_dict

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Not required for now, but I anticipate something like this will be useful in the near future:

#species_id     gb_pos  chrom   lc_pos  ref     alt  haplotype  is_tag_snp
206814  23513   accn|CP008713   23513   G       A    1   0
206814  23774   accn|CP008713   23774   G       A    1   1
206814  25401   accn|CP008713   25401   T       G    2   0
206814  25618   accn|CP008713   25618   G       C    2   1
206814  25769   accn|CP008713   25769   C       A    2   0
206814  25780   accn|CP008713   25780   C       T    3   1
zjshi commented

Sounds good, let me keep this open