
Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

CG Projects


This is the assignments for the Computer Graphics course, through which you'll learn how to:

  • construct the simplest framework for a Computer Graphics program;
  • display geometry and pixel data on the screen;
  • use modern OpenGL API (3.3+);
  • use GLSL, a Shading Language compatible with OpenGL;

This will help you understanding:

  • the basic concepts in Computer Graphics:
    • geometry
    • lighting
    • texture
    • graphics pipleine etc;
  • how GPU works to display a frame on the screen;

Basically, I follow the Learning OpenGL tutorials and refactor the old version assignments in an object oriented way. The students should have some knowledge of modern C++. Don't be panic if you haven't learnt C++ yet. You'll write no more than 20 lines of code for most of the assignments.

You can find more materials in Bilibili

Get the repository

git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/syby119/CG-projects.git
cd CG-projects
git submodule init
git submodule update

How to run


  • CMake >= 3.20
  • C++ Compiler supports at least C++14

Build and Compile

cmake -Bbuild .
cmake --build build --config Release --parallel 8