No shutter_time.csv in dataset
slowlythinking opened this issue · 1 comments
slowlythinking commented
In relocalization.cpp, there is:
auto shutter_times = read_shutter(dataset_root + "/shutter_time.csv");
But I don't find any file named shutter_time.csv in the dataset.
When I run ./relocalizaiton, I just get nothing.
slowlythinking commented
In relocalization.cpp, there is:
auto shutter_times = read_shutter(dataset_root + "/shutter_time.csv");
But I don't find any file named shutter_time.csv in the dataset.
When I run ./relocalizaiton, I just get nothing.
I did not find shutter_time.csv file, just realized that the file only exists in B5, B6 and B7. So close this issue. Sorry for bothering.