
[Paper][ICLR 2025] Mixture of Modality Knowledge Experts for Robust Multi-modal Knowledge Graph Completion

Primary LanguagePython

Mixture of Modality Knowledge Experts for Robust Multi-modal Knowledge Graph Completion

🌈 Overview


🔬 Dependencies

  • Python==3.9
  • numpy==1.24.2
  • scikit_learn==1.2.2
  • torch==2.0.0
  • tqdm==4.64.1

💻 Data preparation

The multi-model embedding of MMKGs are too large so you should download them from the Google Drive Link (updated soon).

📕 Train and Evaluation

You can refer to the training scripts in scripts/train.sh to reproduce our experiment results. Here is an example for DB15K dataset.

nohup python train.py --cuda 0 --lr 0.001 --mu 0.0001 --dim 200 --dataset MKG-W --epochs 2000 > log.txt &

nohup python train.py --cuda 1 --lr 0.0005 --mu 0.0001 --dim 300 --dataset MKG-Y --epochs 2000 > log.txt &

The evaluation results will be printed in the command line after training.

🤝 Cite:

      title={Mixture of Modality Knowledge Experts for Robust Multi-modal Knowledge Graph Completion}, 
      author={Yichi Zhang and Zhuo Chen and Lingbing Guo and Yajing Xu and Binbin Hu and Ziqi Liu and Wen Zhang and Huajun Chen},