This is a BBS website framework for project-practise in our class using Java Spring+SpringMVC+Mybatis in the backend and Vue in the frontend.
Frontend codes are in webapp folder, but the source code is in frontend folder since the vue codes should be compiled first.
- Tomcat server
- qiniuyun to store images
- QQ mail to send register mails(of course you can replace it with other mail service)
- Login/Register
- Write/Read posts and comments
- Search posts
- Like/Unlike posts and other users
- Edit your personal information and upload your portrait.
Mainly Contributors:
Laojieduo did the Database related works, xjizeyu did the frontend work. I designed the framework and did the backend work with yishiyu.
If you found any bug, you can report it to me(backend) or xjlizeyu(frontend) and we are very happy to help you.