- 231smNational University of Singapore
- AcforestBeijing Institute of Technology
- AlexzhuanChina
- BaeSeulkiECNU
- bizhen46766Zhejiang University
- canyuchenIllinois Institute of Technology
- ChaoPeng13china
- CheaSimHangzhou
- cheng-siyuan
- chengchingwen
- chenxn2020
- crack521
- flow3rdownZhejiang Univeristy, Tencent
- GoooDteZhejiang University
- hongbinyeZhejiang Lab
- igorhuangchao
- jinzhuoranNEU & CASIA
- kimoun759Cambodia
- LifeIsStrange
- liuxun666
- Liyyy2122
- minsik-ai
- njcx-aiZhejiang University
- OE-HeartZhejiang University
- raymondng76AI Singapore
- shahrukhx01Yoummday GmbH
- shengyumaoZJU
- spookyQubitNew York
- TzuRen
- Wangxh-07
- XJS924
- xxupianoZhejiang University
- YangLi1221
- zfan20University of Illinois at Chicago
- zxlzrearth