
Implementation of the new iOS7-style masking transparency blur, using StackBlur

Primary LanguageObjective-C


###Tap the image/ pull the slider to move the translucent layer # ###(It's a star on the image of my cat below)###

Image Image

Implementation of the new iOS7-style masking transparency blur, using StackBlur

First off, big thanks to tomsoft1 for the iOS implementation of StackBlur. I used this as my base, with manual animation and masking, to produce high quality masking blur similar to what you see in the new iOS.

Ironically this was made months and months ago for a project which never took off, but I'm sure people are looking for something similar right about now!

Enjoy, and feel free to email and fix anything I'm screwing up!

This software is provided without any warantee or guarantees of any sort. If you use this library in your works, I only ask that you provide a link to this github repo so others can find it too!