
Primary LanguagePython

Expert finding for Community Question Answering

Code based on theano tutorial


Run data_engine.py to generate data, then fed generated pickle file to model.py and train model.


  • sample_i2q: two columns, (question_id, normalized question text)
  • sample_i2t: two columns, (user_id, user_twitter_id)
  • sample_twitter_links: each row represents a twitter user and its following users, sperated by a colon, every id in the row is a twitter id
  • sample_q2u2s: three columns, (question_id, user_id, rating)


  • *_graph.*: deepwalk edgelist input, refer to deepwalk code for description
  • *_paths.*: deepwalk path samples output, for debug purpose
  • *_expf.pkl: pickle file of train, train_for_test, valid, test datasets. train is list of triplets, each element of the triplet can be represented as (question, user_pos, user_neg). train_for_test, valid, test datasets are for testing purpose, each dataset is organized as (questions list, users list, expert users list). Each element with same index of these three lists corresponds to a test sample (question, users answered the questions, expert users). question is represented as list of word indices.

Read the Code for detailed representations.