
Mesh Skeleton Extraction Using Laplacian Contraction

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Unlike its namesake, this Python 3 library does not (yet) seek to conquer Eternia but to turn meshes into skeletons.

The pipeline looks like this:

  1. skeletor.contract() to contract the mesh [1]
  2. skeletor.skeletonize() to generate a skeleton either by edge collapse [1] (slow) or by vertex clustering (very fast)
  3. skeletor.clean() to clean up some potential issues with the skeleton
  4. skeletor.radii() to extract radii either by k-nearest neighbours or ray-casting


  • skeletor.simplify() to simplify overly detailed meshes before contracting them (requires Blender3d to be installed)

Check out the Gotchas below!


pip3 install skeletor

For the dev version:

pip3 install git+git://github.com/schlegelp/skeletor@master


Automatically installed with pip:

  • networkx
  • numpy
  • pandas
  • scipy
  • scikit-learn
  • trimesh
  • tqdm

Optional because not strictly required for the core functions but highly recommended:

  • fastremap for sizeable speed-ups: pip3 install fastremap
  • ncollpyde for ray-casting (radii, clean-up): pip3 install ncollpyde


Fetch an example mesh:

# Requires cloudvolume: pip3 install cloud-volume
>>> from cloudvolume import CloudVolume
# Load a neuron from the Janelia Research Campus hemibrain connectome
>>> vol = CloudVolume('precomputed://gs://neuroglancer-janelia-flyem-hemibrain/segmentation_52a13', fill_missing=True)
# mesh is a trimesh.Trimesh
>>> mesh = vol.mesh.get(5812983825, lod=2)[5812983825]
>>> mesh
Mesh(vertices<79947>, faces<149224>, normals<0>, segid=None, encoding_type=<draco>)

Generate the skeleton

>>> import skeletor as sk
# Contract the mesh -> doesn't have to be perfect but you should aim for <10%
>>> cont = sk.contract(mesh, iter_lim=4)
# Extract the skeleton from the contracted mesh
>>> swc = sk.skeletonize(cont, method='vertex_clusters', sampling_dist=50, output='swc')
# Clean up the skeleton
>>> swc = sk.clean(swc, mesh)
# Add/update radii
>>> swc['radius'] = sk.radii(swc, mesh, method='knn', n=5, aggregate='mean')
>>> swc.head()
   node_id  parent_id             x             y             z     radius
0        1        108  15171.575407  36698.832858  25797.208983  38.545553
1        2         75   5673.874254  21973.874094  15498.255429  79.262464
2        3        866  21668.461494  25084.044197  25855.263837  58.992209
3        4        212  16397.298583  35225.165481  24259.994014  20.213940

For visualisation check out navis:

>>> import navis
>>> skeleton = navis.TreeNeuron(swc.copy(), units='8nm', soma=None)
>>> meshneuron = navis.MeshNeuron(mesh, units='8nm')
>>> navis.plot3d([skeleton, meshneuron], color=[(1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1, .1)])




Benchmarks were run on a 2018 MacBook Pro (2.2 GHz Core i7, 32Gb memory) with optional fastremap dependency installed. Note that the contraction speed heavily depends on the shape of the mesh - thin meshes like the neurons used here take fewer steps. Likewise skeletonization using vertex clustering is very dependant on the sampling_dist parameter.


  • the mesh contraction is the linchpin: insufficient/bad contraction will result in a sub-optimal skeleton
  • to save time you should try to contract the mesh in as few steps as possible: try playing around with increasing the SL parameter - I've occasionally gone up as far a 1000 (from the default 10)
  • if the contracted mesh looks funny (e.g. large spikes sticking out) try using the more robust "umbrella" Laplacian operator: contract(mesh, operator='umbrella')

Additional Notes

  • while this is a general purpose library, my personal focus is on neurons and this has certainly influenced things like default parameter values and certain post-processing steps
  • meshes need to be triangular
  • if the mesh consists of multiple disconnected pieces the skeleton will likewise be fragmented (i.e. will have multiple roots)
  • strictly speaking, the SWC format requires continuous node IDs but the table generated by skeletonize() currently uses the original vertex indices as node IDs (to facilitate e.g. mapping back and forth between mesh and SWC) and is therefore not continuous


[1] Au OK, Tai CL, Chu HK, Cohen-Or D, Lee TY. Skeleton extraction by mesh contraction. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG). 2008 Aug 1;27(3):44.

The abstract and the paper can be found here. Also see this YouTube video.

Some of the code in skeletor was modified from the Py_BL_MeshSkeletonization addon created by #0K Srinivasan Ramachandran and published under GPL3.