
[ECCV 2016] Cross-dimensional weighting for aggregated deep convolutional features.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Language: 🇺🇸 🇨🇳

«crow-pytorch» uses Pytorch to reproduce the CroW implementation.

Table of Contents


CroW provides a general convolution feature extraction framework, and proposes parameterless spatial weighting and channel weighting algorithms. In addition, a very detailed implementation is provided - YahooArchive/crow.

The official implementation is based on caffe2, but the most popular deep reasoning framework at present is pytorch. In order to better understand the implementation of CroW, I try to replace the implementation of caffe in the warehouse with pytorch.


pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Get data
bash oxford/get_oxford.sh
bash paris/get_paris.sh
  1. Extract features
python extract_features.py --images oxford/data/* --out oxford/layer4 --layer layer4
python extract_features.py --images paris/data/* --out paris/layer4 --layer layer4
python extract_queries.py --dataset oxford --images data --groundtruth groundtruth --layer layer4
  1. Compile eval tool
g++ -O compute_ap.cpp -o compute_ap
  1. Evaluate
python evaluate.py --queries oxford/layer4_queries --groundtruth oxford/groundtruth --index_features oxford/layer4 --wt crow --dw 3 --whiten_features paris/layer4 --d 512 --qe 3


  • Clayton Mellina - Initial work - pumpikano
  • zhujian - Enhance work - zjykzj



Anyone's participation is welcome! Open an issue or submit PRs.

Small note:


Apache License 2.0 © 2022 zjykzj