- 2
Ctrl+E does no longer create new notes in chooser
#518 opened by pinpox - 3
Timezone Issue
#501 opened by s5unty - 0
Action to bump docs version
#512 opened by tjex - 8
Can't reference downloaded artifacts in release workflow
#508 opened by tjex - 1
- 3
- 8
- 2
Titles inside markdown links breaks LSP link completion
#435 opened by tjex - 1
Filter graph output
#500 opened by apraga - 3
Cannot open a new file in editor in Windows
#499 opened by apraga - 4
--color flag
#482 opened by sivaplaysmC - 0
- 4
Error generating JSON via graph command
#492 opened by WhyNotHugo - 2
Overlapping group paths confusion
#490 opened by dodgog - 3
frontmatter date property not re-evaluated
#478 opened by meredrica - 3
LSP is unable to resolve non-relative paths
#494 opened by winter-again - 1
Slug title doesn't get populated into a filename
#488 opened by dodgog - 4
LSP support for reference links
#468 opened by tbung - 3
- 4
Use GitHub Actions for building the project
#421 opened by jurica - 0
docs: add instructions for sphinx documentation
#455 opened by tjex - 1
- 4
Always scans home if ~/.zk exists
#451 opened by nolash - 0
Search for articles with no tags
#448 opened by njnygaard - 3
zk list outputs redundant end of buffer characters
#409 opened by tjex - 9
- 1
- 15
- 2
`zk init` generates ambigous LSP section in config
#413 opened by notramo - 8
Links not detected when using timestamps as IDs with `link-format = "markdown"`
#426 opened by WhyNotHugo - 11
`zk tag` doesn't shows numeric tags
#420 opened by Rooyca - 7
LSP Link doesn't support non-Markdown
#362 opened by NickHu - 4
v0.14.1 homebrew release action failed
#419 opened by tjex - 8
`musl` systems not supported
#411 opened by notramo - 7
Switch to Pretty Upstream
#380 opened by mcDevnagh - 4
- 2
open notes in nvim quickfix from telelescope
#406 opened by dtanphat9388 - 3
glob not addressing all folders within ignore pattern
#383 opened by tjex - 1
update brew formula
#379 opened by tjex - 5
global template ignored
#394 opened by juanolon - 1
GitHub Pages site does not have a homepage
#386 opened by hugginsio - 10
zk list --created date, returns notes from one day after if YAML date does not have timestamp
#382 opened by tjex - 3
TestCollectionDAOFindOrCreate fails
#375 opened by tjex - 3
- 2
My custom template of link-format doesn't work
#353 opened by DreamSkanda - 2
MD front matter - `aliases: [a?]` rises the warning
#351 opened by dzintars - 3
- 1
- 1
- 2
docs/ out of date
#333 opened by m-fonseca