
A reference implementation for using Jzab

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

zabkv Build Status

A reference implementation of key-value store for using Jzab


mvn clean compile assembly:single


See usage:

./bin/zabkv --help

To start a 3-server cluster, run:

./bin/zabkv -port 8080 -addr localhost:5000
./bin/zabkv -port 8081 -addr localhost:5001 -join localhost:5000
./bin/zabkv -port 8082 -addr localhost:5002 -join localhost:5001

Restore server from log directory :

./bin/zabkv -port 8080 -dir localhost:5000

To put key-value pairs, do:

curl localhost:8080 -XPUT -d "{'key1':'value1', 'key2':'value2'}"

To get a value for a given key, do:

curl localhost:8080/key

To delete a key-value pair, do:

cur localhost:8080/key -XDELETE

To get all the key-value pairs, do:

curl localhost:8080

To delete all the key-value pairs, do:

cur localhost:8080 -XDELETE