
multithread m3u8 downloader

Primary LanguagePython


This is a pipe compatiable tool for downloading m3u8.

  1. Fast download for m3u8.
  2. Auto decrpt the key.


since the name m3u8_dl is taken by other developer...

short it to m3_dl

pip3 install m3_dl

python version should be bigger than 3.7.1, my dev env is 3.7.1


m3_dl <m3u8_url> -o <dest>


# download to local file
m3_dl http://aaa.com/a.m3u8 -o ./a.mp4

# pipe it to mpv
m3_dl  https://you.tube-kuyun.com/20200210/1144_623a1fb3/index.m3u8 | mpv -

# pipe it to mpv and save to local
m3_dl  https://you.tube-kuyun.com/20200210/1144_623a1fb3/index.m3u8 | tee > ./a.mp4 | mpv -

Full Usage

usage: m3_dl [-h] [-o OUT_PATH] [-p PROXY] [-t THREADCOUNT] [-d] [-w] [-s]
             [--version] [-k]

positional arguments:
  url                   url

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUT_PATH, --out_path OUT_PATH
                        output path (default: None)
  -p PROXY, --proxy PROXY
                        for example: socks5h:// (default: None)

  -e KEY                custom decrypt key
                        thread count (default: 2)
  -d, --debug           debug info (default: False)
  -w, --overwrite       overwrite existed file (default: False)
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -k, --ignore_certificate_verfication
                        ignore certificate verfication, don`t use this option
                        only if you know what you are doing! (default: False)


  1. enable redownlowd
  2. make it mitm compatiable


Why still can't I download m3u8 even though I got the correct m3u8 content?

Sometimes m3u8 file is not enough for m3_dl to donwload, cause the key is protected by user credential or whatever.

You need to get the key somehow. and tell m3_dl by -e option.