
Primary LanguageJavaScript

MovieNight with Neo4j

A mashup using Facebok Graph API and Neo4j in tandem.

Note: read this file at http://github.com/neo4j-examples/movie-night for proper formatting


Get a copy of JRuby 1.4 for your platform

For Ubuntu Lucid:
sudo apt-get install jruby

Downloads: jruby.org

Make sure to add JRuby to your PATH after installation,
if it’s not already there.

Install backend dependencies

The backend depends on the following ruby gems:

  • jruby-openssl (0.6)
  • json-jruby (1.2.4)
  • neo4j (0.4.3)
  • rack (1.1.0)
  • sinatra (1.0)

For Ubuntu you would do:
sudo jruby -S gem install jruby-openssl json-jruby neo4j rack sinatra

Start the backend

In a console, navigate to the backend/ directory and run:
jruby neo4j_app.rb

Open a web-browser and go to http://localhost:4567/

This will trigger a one-time indexing operation, you can follow the progress
of it in the console. It will take 1-5 minutes, when it’s done your web browser
should display a set of JSON data.

Running the example

Start the local example

Open the webapp/index-LOCAL.html file in a web-browser. Click on one of the two “friends”
to get a movie suggestion.

Start the facebook-connected example

Move the contents of the webapp -folder into a web server. Go to index.html with your browser.

You can use a local domain, it deosn’t need to be exposed to the outside world at all.

Register an application on facebook.com, make sure to add the (local) domain
to the Connect settings and then add the application id you get to webapp/js/MovieNight.js
(scroll down near the end of the file, and you’ll see where to put it).

Hack the example

The main example entry point is in webapp/js/MovieNight.js. There are comments in that file that
should send you on your merry way to explore what exactly is going on.