
AWS Amplify Multiuser GraphQL CRUD(L) App powered by AWS AppSync

Primary LanguageJavaScript

AWS Amplify Multiuser GraphQL CRUD(L) App using the Amplify DataStore

Details and instructions on: https://medium.com/open-graphql/create-a-multiuser-graphql-crud-l-app-in-5-minutes-with-the-amplify-datastore-902764f27404

Previous version (without DataStore): https://medium.com/open-graphql/create-a-multiuser-graphql-crud-l-app-in-10-minutes-with-the-new-aws-amplify-cli-and-in-a-few-73aef3d49545

Amplify DataStore

One-Click Deploy with the Amplify Console

Click the button to load the AWS Amplify Console, connect to GitHub and provide an IAM role for the build:

Deploy to Amplify Console

Manual Setup



  1. Clone the repository

  2. Install the required modules:

    npm install 
  3. Init the directory as an amplify Javascript project using the React framework:

    amplify init
  4. Now it's time to provision your cloud resources based on the local setup and configured features, execute the following command accepting all default options:

    amplify push

    Wait for the provisioning to complete. Once done, a src/aws-exports.js file with the resources information is created.

  5. Finally, execute the following command to install your project package dependencies and run the application locally:

    amplify serve
  6. Open different browsers and test connections signing in/up with multiple users. Alternativelly publish your application and use the public link:

    amplify add hosting
    amplify publish