
This template provides an example for setting up a development environment for React Native Expo applications using Dev Containers. To set up the container, please follow the instructions below:


Ensure that you have the following installed on your machine:

Setup Instructions

  1. Create a New Repository:

    • Navigate to the original repository page on GitHub.
    • Click on Use this template to create a new repository based on this template.
  2. Clone the Project:

    • Clone the newly created repository to your local machine.
    • Open the cloned project in VS Code.
  3. Set Up Environment Variables:

    • In the .devcontainer directory of your project, create a .env file.
    • Add the following line to the .env file: - Replace with your host machine's local IP address.
  4. Reopen in Container:

    • Open the Command Palette in VS Code.
    • Select Dev Containers: Reopen in Container. VS Code will then start building the container and open the project inside it.
  5. Start the Expo Server:

    • Once the container is running, open the terminal in VS Code.
    • Run the command npm run start to start the Expo server.
    • A QR code will appear in the terminal. Scan this with the Expo Go app on your smartphone to view the application.