The EatUp Hybrid Mobile application from the Kamusi app suite. Used for accurate restaurant menu translations.
install npm and ionic. run ionic serve to view the project. more on the docs homepage
- About: Handles all of the language switching for both the server and the user, also links to the test_auth page
- Auth-test: Experimental authentication page for user sign up/in
- Home: 'Meat' of the application. This is where most user interaction happens. The CSS is built around a dynamic linked stage system where each button pushes a new stage and thus a new set of styles.
- Loading: just the loading page/ temporary splash screen
- Menu: Where the translated menu can be viewed. Has a card/material design
- Questnav2: The chat navigation page. Chat features are stored in a tree and headers are in a linked list
- Quickask: The quick ask page with a similar tree structure to that of the questnav2 page
- Test: dev test page
- Translator: The translation page, just word to word
- Auth: The POST request for the user login - BROKEN rn.
- language-data: Handles language requests (both local and remote) for the app. Use this to set and get language of the server and user throughout the app
- menu-data: GETs the menu for a specific restaurant and language
- translate-data: GETs specific words for translation between the server and user language