
Node.js, Express server with routes for an Authenticated Google User using Passport strategies.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



  • master: The current setup only accepts a Google login

npm dependencies

  • express: Routing, Middleware
  • mongoose: Schema models connected to MongoDB
  • body-parser: Turns incoming requests into JSON data
  • morgan: Logger for server messages during development
  • nodemon: Watches directory for file changes and automatically restarts server with new code
  • bcrypt: Encrypting and Decrypting passwords
  • jwt-simple: Creates the web tokens we save to localStorage for authentication later
  • passport: A system that employs "Strategies" to assist in different types of authentication
  • passport-jwt: Passport Strategy for saving a Web token to represent a logged in user
  • passport-google-auth: One of many Google Passport Strategies (this one worked in our flow)
  • shrinkwrap: Locking down the dependencies' versions (now using .npmrc to just save current versions as I install new libraries, then I can leave as is when they work)
  • colors: Colorize the terminal messages


  • Udemy Course - React-Redux Full Stack with Oauth2.0 and JWT by Stephen Grider
  • JSONPlaceholder - Fake Online REST API for Testing and Prototyping
  • JSON Web Tokens - Industry standard RFC 7519 method for representing claims securely between two parties.
  • npm react-google-login - Library used to build the GoogleLoginButton component for the client side of the OAuth2 flow through Google
  • Deploying Node.js Apps on Heroku - Learn why we use the Procfile and maybe how to play with npm scripts and heroku local dev